help with bad constipation/fish oil

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by naomi02, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My daughter Zoe has had bad problems with constipation since she was born. This week has been so bad, though! One day she was crying & crying and it was literally so hard it was stuck in her butt. (sorry if TMI) The past 2 mornings her 1st diaper of the day has been hard as a ROCK. I've been trying to give her more water & fruits but I think I messed up a little with the fruits when I gave her bananas. Right after breakfast today I'm planning on running to the store for some prune juice. I also gave her a little glycerin suppository, hoping that will soften things up.

    Are there any other things I could do? My nephew's had similar problems & my sister gives him fish oil every day - but he's 2 and I can't find what the age is for starting fish oil. The lady at WIC told me I could start giving them a little fish, so I'm thinking it's ok???
  2. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    My daughter Zoe has had bad problems with constipation since she was born. This week has been so bad, though! One day she was crying & crying and it was literally so hard it was stuck in her butt. (sorry if TMI) The past 2 mornings her 1st diaper of the day has been hard as a ROCK. I've been trying to give her more water & fruits but I think I messed up a little with the fruits when I gave her bananas. Right after breakfast today I'm planning on running to the store for some prune juice. I also gave her a little glycerin suppository, hoping that will soften things up.

    Are there any other things I could do? My nephew's had similar problems & my sister gives him fish oil every day - but he's 2 and I can't find what the age is for starting fish oil. The lady at WIC told me I could start giving them a little fish, so I'm thinking it's ok???
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Dark Karo syrup for time to time usage, but not a permanent solution. Does your doc have any help for you?

    Try oatmeal instead of rice cereal and mix the oatmeal with the prune juice (stay away from apples and applesauce - pectin is binding as well like bananas!).

    That's rough, I'm sorry she's having such a hard time!! [​IMG]
  4. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Ditto Diane:

    Jessica had problems with constipation and we use dark Karo syrup to help her out. We also switched to oatmeal cereal instead of rice which helped.

    DH and I also found that pear juice-diluted of course-gets them to drink more water and when she does that she had less trouble with constipation. Prune juice is great if they will drink it-mine won't but will eat prunes or prunes will applesause with gusto, which also helps.

  5. Ava&Emma's mom

    Ava&Emma's mom Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding but our pediatrician says replace 1 oz of water in bottle with one oz of prune juice when you are mixing up formula and you can do that up to two feedings a day. Prune juice always straightens things out for us. Sounds like they need something like that that can be done on a daily basis.
  6. Girlies3

    Girlies3 Active Member

    My sister is using flaxseed oil on her 2 y.o. but I used it at about 6 months on my daughter (not for constipation but for eczema, and it worked nicely). She says the flaxseed oil is helping a lot. I guess anything that's A:Slippery B:high in omega3 C:stains! [​IMG] is all the same...
  7. Carpathia

    Carpathia Well-Known Member

    My daughter had really bad constipation and in the end prune juice wasn't working. This was a few months after she was born, so the doc put her on a laxative. It's called miralax and works wonderfully. Ask your ped about it if you're interested.
  8. michellerdh

    michellerdh Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem here...We use prune juice, pear juice, and flaxseed oil. When that doesn't work, which is rare, I use the bulb seringe with warm water squeezed in to little butt about 10 minute she will poop!!! That worked better than the enemas. Good luck!!! We were constipated today and finally the prunes kicked in [​IMG]

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