Help - what the heck is going on?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by nicolepag, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    My son/daughter were doing so well with sleeping. I'd put them down around 7:30 and they'd sleep until 5ish. Well, then they got sick a month ago and it's never been the same. I cannot put them down any earlier than 7:15 so that is not an option. They both usually go down without much fuss (i.e. thankful I don't have to rock or sing or sway for an hour) but my son will simply not stay asleep. I have tried everything. We did have ONE night of sleeping through and I tried to do the same thing the next day... didn't work. My daughter is usually pretty good but I tend to wake her when my son wakes (unless he is waking very frequently - like last night). I stuffed him to the gills and he woke up 3 hours later screaming like crazy/eyes closed and the only thing that will quiet him is to nurse/bottle. Then he woke up 2 hours later - same thing. Then 4 hours later - same thing. Then 2 hours later. I am going crazy. Suggestions?
  2. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    My son/daughter were doing so well with sleeping. I'd put them down around 7:30 and they'd sleep until 5ish. Well, then they got sick a month ago and it's never been the same. I cannot put them down any earlier than 7:15 so that is not an option. They both usually go down without much fuss (i.e. thankful I don't have to rock or sing or sway for an hour) but my son will simply not stay asleep. I have tried everything. We did have ONE night of sleeping through and I tried to do the same thing the next day... didn't work. My daughter is usually pretty good but I tend to wake her when my son wakes (unless he is waking very frequently - like last night). I stuffed him to the gills and he woke up 3 hours later screaming like crazy/eyes closed and the only thing that will quiet him is to nurse/bottle. Then he woke up 2 hours later - same thing. Then 4 hours later - same thing. Then 2 hours later. I am going crazy. Suggestions?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    First...Happy 7 months!![​IMG] [​IMG] Maybe teething? growth spurt? developmental growth spurt?? [​IMG]
  4. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    I agree with Becky - I hope they get back to sleeping. Mine still don't have a good overnight sleep habit so I feel for you.
  5. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Maybe it is teething. I am just not sure. It drives me insane. I am trying to get through Weisbluth's book but (a) it's hard to get through (b) time limited. The day they did sleep through the night... oh my gosh... it was so wonderful... for all of us!
  6. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    Could it be that we just started veggies (carrots, squash)... and this is affecting them?
  7. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 months as well- and they JUST started sleeping through the night. Well, Gracie was doing it already, but Emmie was having a hard time. AFter three times of going in to replace a paci- I would give in and give the bottle. Then one night, I said, no, you dont need this milk! So, I gave her a bottle of warm water. Yes, I know, babies dont need the water...but you know what? It worked! The next night, she did not wake up. She has been sleeping so much better, and if she does wake up, I might pick her up and soothe her a bit, but mostly, she puts herself back to sleep.
    This all happened AFTER they were sick for most of December- and it took until mid December for them to get back on the schedule of waking up only once a night. You might have to do the CIO thing...not so fun, but for many babies, it works. I also ended up putting mine in separate rooms for about two weeks, while I got the new room ready and they had to have separate cribs. This ended up working to their advantage as they started sleeping better. Then, I put them in separate rooms for naps on, and put them in the same room but separate cribs for nighttime. Now, they are in separate cribs but side by side (so they can trade binky buddies) for naps and nighttime. they love being side by side, and usually emmie falls asleep watching gracie chew her binky.
  8. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    You know... I was thinking about giving water as an alternative (esp when I don't have any milk (still trying to nurse). [​IMG] They say you shouldn't really give babies water but it's water for pete's sake. That did the trick for you? I still haven't mastered getting them out of the swings downstairs to their cribs for naps. Someone said to wait until night is downpat but I am going to start on that next week as maybe that would make a difference for nighttime sleep?
  9. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    Just my opinion, but I would say it is teething Along with just getting back to health. Everytime mine would not sleep well,it ended up to be teething, but I would seem to not figure it out until a tooth showed up, and then I felt bad. Hindsight is always 20/20.
    I nursed mine also, and so i knew that it was comfort to them. Yours may not need to eat, but I think that even just showing them that you are there to pat their back would be comforting when they hurt.
  10. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    I saw this in the top and thought I'd add my 2 cents worth. One sleep problem comes fromus not teaching them how to og to sleep on there own. When you put them down to sleep do it whilre they are still, partially awake. When you always out them down asleep they don't learn how to soothe themselves back to sleep. I am not saying this towards you, just in general.

    When your son wakes up crying or fusing give him a few min. If that doesn't work rying to avoid picking him up and feeding him, this can create a bad habit. Instead try rubbig his back and murmering to him lightly. Look at his gums to see if he is teething. They turn kinda white before a tooth comes through. Try some baby orajel if you think it is his gums.

    Imo stuffing him to gills is not gonna work, it will backfire. When you are over full you tend to be gassy and uncomfortable.I s he comfy? Not to hot or cold? HTH.

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