HELP! Trying to PT and DS holds it ALL DAY!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by annagloth, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. annagloth

    annagloth Well-Known Member

    Im hoping somebody has some advice or had a similar experience. I am in the process of PT my boys and one of them is doing great and only wears a pullup/diaper to bed because he pees a ton at nighttime. My other DS who always has power struggle issues seems will not pee no matter how many times I put him on the toilet until he gets his diaper before bed and then he UNLOADS.....I mean it is bursting. I know this is a control issue but I'm not sure how to get around it. He waits until I say goodnight and then pees and calls me into the room for a new diaper. Any ideas? I guess I could just put him in bed with underware but I'm not looking forward to the mess!!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nancy had a similar issue with her little guy - I'm sure she'll chime in. They found a good solution for their family that will hopefully be helpful for you too.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yes, I did. One day he held it for 15 hours :blink: So I feel your pain because I was there last summer!
    I did the 3 day PT method with him, just put him right in underwear night time and day time. And it worked for him...I would say by day 4 he was day trained, a couple weeks later he was staying dry for naps and night time took a while. But, we lined his bed with a mattress protector, chux pads and a towel so when he had an accident at night or at nap time, the only thing we'd usually have to change (besides him) is the chux pad and towel. DH and I also offered rewards for him peeing and pooing on the potty. He liked to put stickers on our calendar on the fridge and also liked M&M's.
    During the process of the 3 day PT, we reminded him that pee and poo goes in the potty and that's what big boys do and gave him lots of praise. The way we praised the kid, you would have thought he invented going to the potty but we really wanted to encourage him along.
  4. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My daughter too would hold it for hours. I found that asking her every 3 hours was a waste of my time and added pressure to her. At about 4 hours I would put her on the toilet. Like your son she knew when she needed to go so I just let her take control. Often T.V. off until you sit on the toilet, potty before going outside, etc. Potty or toilet choice helped her feel in control. Only recently she is going on the toilet at home. In the evening I put a pull-up on and that was when she would poop. Often getting out of her bedroom to "pee" was like her ticket to freedom. Increasing fluids and foods high in water content might help.

  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I really liked the 3 day potty training program too, it puts the kids in underwear day & night... and you help them figure out what the impulse to pee is like and rush them to the potty. while praising them.

    I would at least take the leap to doing no diapers/pull ups for at least a little while to break him of holding it all day for the pullup. Maybe he won't fully day/night train right away, but I would think that it may start him to doing during the day so that you can teach him about peeing in the potty. and yes, up the fluids for a few days to get him to have to pee.

    good luck!
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My Sarah and Allison both did this...we tried for 5 days and they never went until I put their diaper on all night. We actually just stopped PT'g and then tried again in a couple of months, at which time was very successful. If this continues on, they may just not be ready and you should try again in a month or so.
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