Help! Transitioning 12 weeks old from reclining bassinets to flat-on-their-backs

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by carrie-, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    I really need advice! Or to be talked off this ledge I'm on...

    My babies are now 12 weeks old and have been sleeping GREAT in reclining basinets. Like, most nights we have to wake them to feed them at 2am. This is like a dream considering my older girls didn't STTN until 8 months and didn't solidly sleep until 10 months.

    Well today was the first day of daycare and they have to use cribs to nap, flat on their backs. My girls didn't like that. They finally let them sleep in the bouncy seats but they won't allow that long term. I've been MEANING to transition them to cribs (well, pack'n'plays in our room) but my older girls have been very sick the past month and so I've just been too tired to try it.

    Did anyone else do something like this, and have to move their babies to flat-on-backs at 3 months or so? I'm just looking for encouragement. I'm hoping it will only take a few days to transition - we'll bite the bullet and start tonight with the night sleep in the pack'n'plays, but I'm worried it will take a long time for them to get used to it.

    Am I the only one who used a reclining type position for my babies for the first few months?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We did bouncies or swings ONLY for the first 4 months. I wanted to transition them at 3 months, but we were leaving to go on vacation & I figured bouncy seats were smaller than PNPs to travel with.

    I started with naps, first. Which would do you well with daycare- they can break them in, so to speak. ;) Once they napped in their cribs well, then I moved onto nighttime. It honestly didn't take too long to do- maybe 2 weeks total? Since they were originally in our room I also slowly moved the bouncy seats in the hall, then their room, then in their cribs still in bouncies. But I wouldn't think you'd have to do that with daycare as it's a new environment completely.

  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Easton sleeps in a fisher price newborn sleeper thing that reclines. He will not sleep in the flat bassinet or the pack n play. Will the day care let them sleep in their car seats?
  4. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    That's what my girls sleep in. It's been awesome. But no, they have to sleep in cribs. They are allowing me some transition time, so will let them sleep in bouncy seats but it won't be for long.
  5. KeriU

    KeriU Well-Known Member

    With my older DS he slept in his carseat until about 3 months. It only took two days to get him to sleep in his crib flat. If there isn't issues with relux or anything I am sure the transition won't take long. They may transition better if you let them sleep on their belly as it is just more comfortable for them. I gave in and just put the twins on their belly when I was trying to transition them from incline sleeping. They had relux issues though.
  6. TrishaLinn

    TrishaLinn Well-Known Member

    I started letting my babies sleep on their bellies just a few weeks ago and they are sleeping SO much better than they were flat on their backs. They do like to sleep in a bouncy sleep too. I agree the the above poster, maybe try their bellies?
  7. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    Updated: Mia slept in her pack'n'play all night, on her back! Took her a little while to settle down to sleep, but she did great. Whew! Hope night #2 is the same way.

    Lauren we didn't even try - she has a cold and bad congestion. Was coughing all night. We'll try her later in the week.

    I appreciate the suggestions, I just can't put them on their bellies - and my husband would never allow it either. Just too nervous. But we are using sleep positioners to help them feel a little more snug, which I believe have become a no-no in the past 19 months since my first set were born.

    Thanks again everyone!!!
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