Help! Toddler beds-sister hurting son

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by faustjena, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. faustjena

    faustjena Well-Known Member

    Please help!

    I have 21 month old twins who just got small toddler beds. They are always crazy together but last week after my son fell asleep and I left the room my daughter decided to not let him.

    I wasn't in the room but less than a minute after I left my son was screaming, and his forhead SPLIT OPEN (needed 4 stiches at the ER).

    We have since padded the room with foam mats but how do I ever leave him with her awake? He always leaves her alone is she falls asleep first.

    I'm terrified of everything right now (fyi I have an amazing, rule-abiding 3.5 year old so I'm not a rookie) and my confidence as a mom is totally rattled.

    I try to sing to the twin who is in their bed first but the other comes barreling over. Then if they are both in their beds I can't really be with either one, so I sit in the middle of the room and sing, but they want more.....


  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Any idea how it happened? Either way I'd remove everything from their room, and if putting them in cribs is not an option I'd move him to his brother's room...
  3. faustjena

    faustjena Well-Known Member

    All we could think was she ran over to him and they jumped on the beds or tackled each other. He was truly so tired.

    We added large foam mats around the perimeter of their room (there was a one foot border not covered my the rug) and took out their dresser.

    I'm afraid he may need to go to his brother's room, I just assumed they were "meant" to share a room awhile.

  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Can you put them back in cribs? If so, I would do that. You can also get something called a crib tent to keep them in.

    I had similar problems with my boys. They would get in knock down drag out fights, and Mark has scars on his face where Eli bit him. The only reason my boys didn't go back to cribs was because Mark broke through the bottom of two cribs; I dealt with the craziness. It was awful.

    Another options is to sit with them for a few minutes.

    We also removed everything, but the mattresses and blankets.
  5. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Like you mentioned, I think maybe moving him in with your older son might be the way to go until this phase passes.
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