Help ... the spit up is driving me insane

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Sofiesmom, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My ds is a bad spitter upper. My oldest dd was a happy spitter upper until 7 1/2 months so I know what it's like, though this is different.

    My ds ... he's gaining weight rapidly. He was put on Zantac last week although the doc couldn't find something wrong with him, but since I told him he's not happy with the spitting up, he said to give it a try. The spitting up is getting worse. Last night he spit up his entire bottle again all over himself. This morning (4 hours after his last feeding) he spit up already over 10 times (mouthfuls all the time). He doesn't seem happy, he gets fussy, starts crying and then it comes out.

    I just don't know what do, especially not with a toddler and his twin sister in the house. It's driving me insane.

    I've tried soy, no difference. I use Dr. Brown's (like them, but no difference, same with dd). He used to be slightly better with the Podee bottles, but that's what he had this morning.

    Any advice is appreciated.
  2. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My ds is a bad spitter upper. My oldest dd was a happy spitter upper until 7 1/2 months so I know what it's like, though this is different.

    My ds ... he's gaining weight rapidly. He was put on Zantac last week although the doc couldn't find something wrong with him, but since I told him he's not happy with the spitting up, he said to give it a try. The spitting up is getting worse. Last night he spit up his entire bottle again all over himself. This morning (4 hours after his last feeding) he spit up already over 10 times (mouthfuls all the time). He doesn't seem happy, he gets fussy, starts crying and then it comes out.

    I just don't know what do, especially not with a toddler and his twin sister in the house. It's driving me insane.

    I've tried soy, no difference. I use Dr. Brown's (like them, but no difference, same with dd). He used to be slightly better with the Podee bottles, but that's what he had this morning.

    Any advice is appreciated.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You may need to try something different than zantac. Zantac didn't work for us, bothof mine are on prevacid and it worked wonders, even stopped a lot of the spit up. We also put rice cereal in bottles to thicken them to help prevent spit up and that works pretty well too. I put 4tsp. of cereal in a 5 oz. bottle. And until they started sitting up well, I would always put them in the bouncy or swing for at least 20 min. after they ate.

    In the past week though, our spit up has dramatically decreased, I'm hoping they are starting to outgrow it.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Zantac didn't work for us either. We are on Axid and Reglan, and adding cereal to their bottles. It is working well! [​IMG]
  5. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies!

    I called the doc and he called back quickly and we're seeing a GI specialist next week, and she may prescribe something else for him depending on what she thinks and the outcome of her exam. In the meantime, he suggested to give him less formula at a time (so I am back to 3 oz) and add some rice cereal (he said 1-2 teaspoons in a 4 oz bottle so that it still goes through the nipple) and see how it goes.
  6. valeriemiller39

    valeriemiller39 Well-Known Member

    KAitlyn was on Precacid for about 5 months. I think it is stronger than Zantac so ask your Pedi. But, if I recall correctly, it takes about 2 weeks for the meds to start working. Also, you mentioned Soy formula. I had a milk-free diet (since I was nursing) then went to Soy formual since it still wasn't working. My pedi said that it takes over 2 weeks for "milk" to get out of their system if it is a milk-allergy. Maybe go back to Soy and stick with it for 2+weeks and see what happens! Hope this helps!
  7. Ava&Emma's mom

    Ava&Emma's mom Well-Known Member

    Like so many others, with two babies with reflux I feel like I am an expert! [​IMG]) Also, am a nurse so understand alot about meds. We were on Axid (similar to Zantac) and Reglan. Zantac and Axid are strictly for the pain associated with reflux, they do not help with spitting up. Reglan does help the actual spitting up but that alone was not enough for us. Once we started Prilosec (similar to Prevacid) it took about two days and things were wonderful. Very little spitting up. My pediatrician swears it should not stop the spitting up based on its actions (it should only reduce acid) but every mom I know who have children with reflux swear it is the best. Unfortunately, it took meds in our case and I wish it didn't but they work very well. Both my girls are on Prilosec and Reglan.

    Also, the cereal in the bottle was a lifesaver for us! The rice was too constipating for them so we add 1 tsp per oz of EBM/formula (per ped instructions). Too thick to come out of a regular nipple but work great in Dr. Brown's Y cut nipple. It just thickens the milk so it can't come back up as easily.

    My last advice is mine get EBM but I got mastitis and we had to start supplementing and they could not tolerate the neosure they sent home with us. They spit up really badly. Switched to Enfamil Gentlease and they very easily can go back and forth from breastmilk to formula.

    Sorry so long but we had a tough time in the beginning and now between the cereal in bottle and the proper meds, they barely spit up at all!

    Good luck! Allison
  8. Ava&Emma's mom

    Ava&Emma's mom Well-Known Member

    Sorry, didn't finish sentence properly. Rice cereal was too constipating so we use oatmeal cereal in every bottle and they don't have any troubles.
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