HELP sleeping seems to be getting worse!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ambernruby, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    Well these babbas have me fooled! I think i get them and then they go and switch on me. At one bit they were both sleeping like 6-7 hrs then back down for 4hrs. Now they feed at like 9.30/10.30pm back up for a feed anything from 4-5.50am being latest. I'm ok with this but Amber the larger of my two girls struggles to get back off to sleep, in fact she doesn't go off easily anymore unless it's in her swing.

    She was hysterical for a cple of hrs the last 2 nights at bedtime, the first night she missed an afternoon nap and was overtired i thought but last night i have no idea what the issue was but she howled so badly i cried with her, she was inconsolable for ages and then i ended up rocking her to sleep and transfering her to the moses basket. I thought that at this age things started settling? It seems she is getting worse?!?!?!?! She also wakes up alot now and cries unless we tend to her or give her a paci (this doesn't always fix the problem mind)

    Any suggestions welcome as i am at a loss? Do babies of her age tend to go through this? I thought we were getting somewhere, at the moment this feels worse than the earlier days as i am not napping with them anymore <_<
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mummy2ambernruby @ Apr 14 2009, 12:53 PM) [snapback]1272515[/snapback]
    Well these babbas have me fooled! I think i get them and then they go and switch on me.

    :welcome: to the club :laughing:

    Maybe you are missing the window and they are overtired and therefore overstimulated and cant settle. Try moving up your bedtime by 15 or 30 minutes and see if that helps. How many naps are they taking per day?
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    My boys were still eating 3 times a night at that age. It sounds perfectly normal to me. We didn't go down to 2 feedings a night until 3/4 months. They were 7 weeks early and not eating enough during the day so I didn't want to mess around with not feeding them. Also, my boys slept anywhere (bouncy/swing/car seats) until 4 months as well.
  4. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I'm also thinking that maybe they're having a growth spurt. My babes had sleep disruption about that age and it lasted for about 1-2 weeks then back to the way it was.

    Mine also were still eating every 4 hours at that age. totally normal.
  5. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Hey thanx ladies!

    lol glad it's not just my babies that are little conartists!

    Well last night was much better?! They were in bed sleeping by 7pm had there last feed at 10.30pm and slept through to there next feed at 7.15am!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted Amber woke us at 2.45am as she had broke out of the swaddle but she went right back off. I wont get excited givenmy past experience with them lol

    I think you may have a point with me missing the window.I can almost guarantee that at the min both my girls cannot be up longer than 1hr 15 min or it becomes a struggle for them. We have had this problem with Ruby's nap this morning - difficult to get her down though when she takes ages to feed?
    They managed a long nap yesterday am and then 2 more shorter say hr long naps but they are VERY hit an miss after the am nap, probably where i'm going wrong?

    The girls sleep in moses baskets in my room at night and take there day sleep in the swing and carseat in the lounge. I was thinking about trying to gt them napping upstairs, so we tried it this am and Ruby only managed half hr and Amber 1 hr. In the am they usually go about 2-3hrs so i'm not sure it is worth doing if they are losing out on sleep. I REALLY want to avoid the overtired state as best i can. Did you find the transition from napping in swings downstairs to napping in cribs upstairs difficult or am i best persisting with them sleeping up there now? What to do for the best is sooooo hard!

    I had wondered about a growth spurt too. I did read tht they have one about 3mths. Good to know what were experiencing is all pretty much the norm!

    Thanks again!
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :banana: That is awesome news!! Glad you got some rest!!
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I found the first 2-3 months really just survival mode. You sound like you are doing well. I think with twins survival mode is anything that works, carseats, swings, etc. I found at your two ages I'd have one on my lap on their tummy and the other in my arms. Once they get closer to 3.5 - 4 months that is when you want to reduce the swings, car rides, rocking chairs, etc and get them more into motionless sleeping in a crib/cot. they really change daily still at this age. I'd always say .. just when I thought I deserved the mommy of the year medal then the babies would change again and I had no idea what I was doing.

    Despite all the struggles, get all your cuddles in now, this time goes by so quickly and soon they don't want to be sleeping on mommies tummy or next to mommy. Too many mothers focus on a schedule and miss the good stuff.

  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We didn't have much trouble transitioning from the swings/car seats to the crib at all. Since they already do it at night (which mine didn't) you'll have it even easier. That said, I didn't make the switch until 4/5 months. I say, let them get their rest during nap however it happens for a little bit longer. :)
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