Help sick again

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Eribour, May 6, 2012.

  1. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Twocweeks ago I took my twins in to the dr. Allie had a horrible sinus infection an ear infection. She was given ten days of antibiotcs. While on them she started looking better and feeling better. By day ten no runny nose, watery eyes, or cough. That was tfree days ago. Now she has all of that but worse than before. The symptoms started 24 hrs after our last dose of meds. Why did it come back so quickly. I mean she looks terrible with eyes that are swollen and pouring, a runny nose, and a cough that sounds horrid. She is currently sleeping on mr snoring away. I would put her down but if I do she will be crying in fifteen min. What can I do to help. (gave benadryl, have the humidifer going with, she has Vicks on her little chest).
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like she might have allergies. How old are they?? I would talk to your dr about that. I had my oldest son on allergy meds at 6 months because he had something very very similar. The allergy meds worked wonders. All 4 of my kids take allergy meds now.
  3. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    My son had repeated ear infections and my doctor advised that we have grommets put in. ( Also in 2 weeks cycles.) He has not had ear infection since then and it has now been over 6 months. You can try and raise her mattress under her head to relief the pressure in her hears. A few rolled up towels underneath the mattress works well.

    Good luck
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with both Danielle and mom2gc. I would ask the doctor about allergies as well. In the meantime, do elevate the bed. We also use a humidifier in the room and our humidifier is from Vicks, so we can add a vapor strip to the top that will get the menthol going as well. You could also use Pedia Vapors, it's a night light that you put strips in and helps them to breathe better.
    Good luck and I hope your little one feels better soon!
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