Help! R These round ligament pains?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by TiffanyRH, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. TiffanyRH

    TiffanyRH Active Member

    ok, I need ya'lls advice. I am 18 weeks, I went to the dr yesterday, sono looked great. I am leaving for vacation tomorrow so I was packing last night, got on the floor and up a couple times, ect. Was busy working. Maybe overdid it alittle. But after I sat down I was in quite a bit of pain. It is under my belly like directly below my belly button like if I was wearing low rise bikini underwear the pain is where the top of the underwear would be. (under my baby belly) Not on my sides. The pain is several inches wide like right at the top of my pelvic bone. Last night it was really painful, I went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night and it was sill bad. When I woke up this morning it was still there but barley, now it is back. Not as bad as last night, but there. I tried to call the dr today but they were closed and didn't feel like it was to the point of paging the dr. I think maybe that is round ligament pain but I thought that was only on your sides of your pelvis. I am just worried and more worried that normal people because I had a miscarriage right before the twins. The sono yesterday was good, but I am stil worried. And we leave for vacation tomorrow for a week so I thought ya'll could give me your advice. Is this round ligament pain? Thank you,
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you overdid it and may have pulled a muscle. I would take some tylenol, drink some water and put your feet up. Enjoy your vacation.
  3. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    Of course check with your doc but that's what it sounds like to me. Kind of like a charlie horse in the lower abdomen area, along the sides sometimes, and down toward the bikini area. That's exactly what it was with me. Take it easy.
  4. astewart0610

    astewart0610 Well-Known Member

    You are probably right, and not to worry you but when I was at about your stage I had horrible pains that my doc at the time brushed off for ligaments pains although I knew I shouldn't have those yet. I never got strong lig pain until the last few weeks of my first pregnancy.. anyway it turned out to be an untreated UTI that moved into my kidneys, I was severly sick and spent three nights in hospital on antibiotics. Pains could mean a number of things so always check with doc if you are unsure !! Goodluck
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