Help! Probably TMI.

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Katheros, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I'm about 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and spotting! I've never spotted before while pregnant so I'm a little freaked out. Everything I've read says as long as it's not clots, super heavy, and/or bright red (which it isn't any of those) then it's fine, normal, the placenta is developing/implanting at this stage, etc. But it's still making me really nervous. Any words of wisdom from the 'been there, done that' crowd?
  2. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Wow, congratulations! I hope it's nothing serious. Best wishes for an easy pregnancy and maybe it's a girl :), not that boys are bad, but I remember reading that you were hoping for a girl next time :). Good luck!
  3. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    Congratulations !!!

    i had spotting with all mine.... i am sitting in BTDT crowed on this one... and it didnt make me feel any less anxious when the Dr said it can be normal... until i had an u.s. i felt like i was sitting on the edge of my seat... waiting...

  4. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Yes I am definitely hoping for a girl, this is my last chance! I can't help but think well I never spotted with the boys so maybe this is a girl?? Right?? It could happen! Boys aren't bad, but having 4 of them might be a little too much. :D

    I do have an appt with an OB next Friday so I'm trying to hold out until then. I've considered going to the ER in the evening when my husband is home to stay with the kids, but that seems a little over the top. For now.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Well, THAT'S one way to announce it! :)

    Totally normal to spot. You're going to get a ton of "that happened to me" replies!
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  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I hope so! Sort of. I mean, it'll make me feel more 'normal' and okay with it, but sucks that any of us have to go through this!

    Stephanie, I was thinking of ordering this shirt and take a picture of me wearing it for the official announcement. :p
  7. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Ha ha ha, do it! I'm thrilled for you, Kate. I can't wait to hear more and "meet" the newest addition!
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  8. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Haha, funny shirt :), you should get it. I should have said this earlier but I was too excited for you and I forgot. I have 2 friends that had the same spotting issue and of course they were concerned - both of them delivered healthy full term babies.
  9. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Congrats! No personal experience, but I know tons of women who spotted. I'd call your doctor and explain and they'll give you guidelines on what necessitates coming in. I know they've told me, but I don't remember.
  10. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That is a great shirt! Congrats Kate!

    I spotted with the boys (that's how they found them) and Annabelle- enough that both sets of kids I thought I'd had a really light period. All are as normal as my kids can be. :)
  11. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Good to know I'm doing something normal for a change. ;)
  12. Twinrific

    Twinrific Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Another BTDT story: I had lots of spotting with Evan and it freaked me out! All turned out to be normal though. :)
  13. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Kate!! I am super happy for you! Great shirt!!!
  14. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yay! Congratulations!!! :yahoo: (Also, I'm jealous ;) )

    Spotting is the worst just because of the extra anxiety when most likely it's nothing at all. Keep us posted!
  15. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations Kate!!!
    I spotted with both my pregnancies that went to term, the one I m/c, never once. You just never know...but I bet everything is just fine!!
  16. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I haven't had any spotting since I originally posted this so yay. Thanks for the words of wisdom!

    And Rachel, I told my husband he could get snipped after "one more baby," that was our deal. Now I'm worried that having said "one last baby" is going to come back to haunt me.
  17. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

  18. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    Well apparently I spoke too soon. Not too long after posting that I wasn't having anymore bleeding, I started bleeding again. I went to the ER last night (oh joy of joys), they did an ultrasound and said everything looked okay, the ONE baby is measuring right at 8 weeks and had a heart rate in the 140's. They also said I have a bladder infection which surprises me. They diagnosed me as 'threatened miscarriage' and sent me on my way. So now I just wait to see what happens.
  19. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Ugh, Kate. I'm so sorry! Get that bladder infection under control- I'm surprised you didn't have any discomfort.

    I'm sending lots of love and good juju that you'll be on the mend and just kvetching about morning sickness soon.
  20. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I thought that was odd too! Not to sound like a skank, but I've had a lot of bladder infections so I know what they feel like, and I don't have any of the traditional symptoms. A friend of mine told me she had a bunch while she was pregnant with her daughter and her doctor told her it's more common with girl pregnancies. Fingers crossed!! :laughing:

    I've never had morning sickness before so hopefully I won't be starting now. :D
  21. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    the UTI could be the cause of the spotting also...congratulations!!! (on the baby, not the UTI LOL!)
  22. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Keep us posted!
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