help planning family visits post c section

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Erica92, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    ok so my mom lives in VT (we're in MD) and is planning on coming down for a short trip after the babies are born and then coming back for a longer visit once DH goes back to work...

    My c section is scheduled for Mon Oct 8th at 7:30am and i'm wondering when i should have her book her flight to come down... Will i be up for visitors that day if her flight came in that afternoon and she came to the hospital arond 2pm? DH and i want time to get settled in our room and spend time w/babies before we see visitors so should my mom not come till Tuesday??

    Also I know most people stay in the hospital 3-5 days w/a c section, do we have a choice to stay the full 5 days, who decides when you go home? I ask b/c DH and i also want it to be just us with the babies of course) when we come home from the hospital so if my mom comes tuessday and leaves thursday i want to make sure i'm not discharged on Wednesday kwim....?

    Anyway, any suggestions would be really appreciated...

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Erica, first I want to know where in MD you are???

    I saw my parents, ILs, DH and oldest DD after my c-section, it was at 5:07pm and they were all there waiting, so it was quick, but I saw them. It made me feel good to see family. I think you will be fine to have your Mom visit that day, if you want her to, or you could have her wait until the next day. Will she want to wait until the next day to meet these grandchildren?

    I stayed 4 days after my c-section. I could have gone home after 3, but since both of mine were in the NICU anyway, I decided to stay. Believe me if you are okay to go home, they will try and get you out of there earlier, you can elect to go early (if you dr. says it's okay) or you can stay the full time your insurance pays for).
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I stayed a week post C section, but I had complications & my babies were in the NICU. Normal for the hospital I was at was abotu 4 days, but depended on how you were healing.

    I would totally talk to your DH and decide when you want your mom there- and plan on 3-4 day hospital stay.

    The help at home is nice because you WILL be sore and achey, it takes awhile to recover from a C, it is major surgery!

    It is a choice totally up to you & DH, but keep in mind that you may stay longer or shorter than the average stay...I thought 3 days and well...I was there a lot longer!
  4. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I had the girls at 7:30 Friday night and my ILS were there the next morning around 9 am. I felt fine but I don't think that I would have wanted them there any sooner!

    I believe that insurance dictated the length of time I was in the hospital. For c-section they say 4 nights. I went in Friday and was out Tuesday.
  5. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    I had my c-section at 945am and had my mom and mother-in-law there at about 11am once we were in recovery. I didn't have many more visitors till later that night, so that gave us time to settle into our room. As for the hospital stay, your dr. will decide how long you can stay in the hospital. Mine gave me the option of staying for 3 days or 4 and I took the four days. I needed it, the recovery was hard for me, especially with two newborns to take care of and little to no sleep. My advice, stay as long as you can. Good luck:)
  6. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    I planning on having my mother there once we settle in in our room and ONLY after I get to goggle over my twins, just the two of us! Then we will have mom meet us at the hospital with Big Brother and my sister.. We are flying them in from Kansas a day or two before delivery and she will leave 10 days later.. that way I am hoping she can run the house while I am MIA at the hospital.. and then whe will be here to help an additional 3-5 days when the twins are here.. Hoping that all goes well..
  7. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    I had the boys at 12:37 in the afternoon on Thursday and was home by 5:00 on Saturday. My mom was already here (to stay with the older boys at the house), which was great, but she stepped back and let us bond as a family for those first 24hrs. I was glad to have here there, because I was so nervous, but I needed that time with DH and the older boys. Personally, I wasn't up for visitors other than family. I was SO tired! I think I spent the rest of that first day dozing in and out.

    The doctor left it up to me to decide when I was ready to go home. I could have stayed until Monday if I'd wanted to, but I felt pretty good and was just ready to be home again. The nurses *will* make you get up and around within 24hrs of your surgery, but I didn't feel "good" until late the next day.

    You'll have so much "help" at the hospital. The nurses will be there to help you any time you need it and the nursery staff will also be there to take the babies. We were given the option to room in with them or just have them come in for feedings. It might be better to wait until after you get home. That's when I think I got the full experience and realized that having someone here when I got home worked best for us.
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I had my c-section around 9:45am and had lots of family visitors that afternoon/early evening. My girls were in the NICU and they were able to also go see them with DH or I. I definitely wanted my mom there, she lives about 3 hours away and got in her car and started driving as soon as DH called her and said they were taking me to the O.R. It was also good to have my sister come, and I just really felt supported by all the family who came.

    I stayed just 2 days after my c-section, but I had spent lots of time on hospital bedrest and the peri's knew I was quite tired of being in the hospital. I could have stayed longer per my insurance, but we went home, got settled, then started our daily NICU visits.
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