Help. Overwhelmed in Arizona

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by swtsrh76, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. swtsrh76

    swtsrh76 New Member

    I am Sarah and I have identical twin boys born October 12, 2006. Jason and Justin. I also have an 11 month old boy Jauquin and a 5 year old boy Christian and a 12 year old daughter Kaitlyn. Can anyone give me advice about juggling my time between them all. I am a single mom. Help!!!
  2. swtsrh76

    swtsrh76 New Member

    I am Sarah and I have identical twin boys born October 12, 2006. Jason and Justin. I also have an 11 month old boy Jauquin and a 5 year old boy Christian and a 12 year old daughter Kaitlyn. Can anyone give me advice about juggling my time between them all. I am a single mom. Help!!!
  3. Heather C

    Heather C Well-Known Member

    God bless you,.. i have no advice but wish you the best- you can only do so much don't be too hard on yourself.
  4. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    I know you must be so overwhelmed right now - not a lot of advice but wanted to wish you the best. Maybe getting the older kids involved with caring for the younger ones would help a bit. I know the babies are a little young to do a lot but my DD is my diaper-helper, toy-helper, rag-helper, etc. She loves the "feeling" of helping Mommy out. Maybe stagger bedtimes so that you get one-on-one with all of them.

    Good luck - I know this must be a really tough time right now and wish you nothing but peace as you settle into this crazy life!
  5. greenslade7

    greenslade7 Well-Known Member

    I have 5 kids too. They are 14, 12, 2, and 6 mo old twins. It is incredibly hard to give them all time and most days, I feel I have left someone out. I get my daughter to help with chores and when I am feeding the twins, we sit and talk together because that's the one time I get to sit still. I find it hard to make it to all their sports events and school events with all the little ones. The best thing I think I did for the whole family was to get the littlest ones on a schedule, including my two year old. His isn't as strict as the twins. But that way, when there are crazy times, I can tell my son or daughter "give me until...such and such a time....and the babies will be asleep and we can do what you want to do." They are learning patience and understanding. They are really good kids. You will get the hang of this. It is just really really tough at first. There's lots of good info on here regarding schedules. Hang in there.
  6. mariz

    mariz Well-Known Member

    Sorry, no advice here either. Just want to say you're one special woman blessed with 5 kids. Hang in there...i'm sure it will get better.
  7. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    I can't give you any advice on juggling the kids either...sorry.
    I can send [​IMG] your way. Being a single mom is HARD work- and I only had one to deal with, [​IMG] to you.

    One bit of advice for you is to keep coming here. The ladies on TS are wonderful and caring. There is always an ear to listen and there is plenty of support to go around, even if the answer doesn't come in the replies you get, a kind word is ALWAYS available! [​IMG]
  8. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    I'm in Arizona, too! I'm in Tucson.
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