help! overtired and won't go to bed!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Mommydee, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    i think DS is just HORRIBLY overtired and he will NOT settle down to go to bed! he is usually very good. no longer wants to be held and cuddled and sung to sleep (awwww), and will usually quietly play in his crib until he falls asleep- 5-10 mins. max. well, tonight he is a FUSSBUCKET. he had a bad afternoon nap (only about 40 mins.), and a short catnap around 5pm (20-25 mins. or so). so i think he just got overtired. he is HOT (changed his pj's to somethign lighter) and just SOOOOO full of energy. it is insane. i feel bad- we put them down to bed, and then i left for an hour bikeride, came home, and couldn't find DH- he was in the guestroom on the bed with DS, who flipped around and just GRINNED at me. i was like, Uhoh.....
    so what do we do now?!?!?! i don't know how to help him get to sleep. we have tried CIO, diaper is ok. he IS teething a bit, but that doens't usuallyr eally bother him. please tell me this will only last one night....!!!!!
  2. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    If he is like mine, it will only last one night, maybe 2 tops. Once they get overtired, the only thing that will really work is CIO, but one night of that, and then they are back to being their normal lovable, sleeping pretty well, selves. Good luck!
  3. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I agree when they are overtired they might just need to cry to sleep. Hopefully it was a one time thing!
  4. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I agree as well, it sucks when they get overtired and just wail. The only thing that really works for us is CIO, which is hard to hear, even when you know that they are just overtired. It usually takes a day or two to get them back on track. After an overtired night, I'll let that baby nap longer to try and catch up a bit.

    How did it go? Did he finally fall asleep?
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I would also just let him cry himself to sleep. There is not much you can do if he is overtired and that's all that is wrong with him. I hope he goes to sleep well tonight. :hug99:
  6. Mommydee

    Mommydee Well-Known Member

    i FINALLY Got him to sleep a little after 9-about 2 hrs. after we first put him down. ugh.
    last night he did fine though. took good naps at the sitter's and went down with just a little bit of fussing- his usual. out within 10 mins.
    now i know how important those naps are!!!!! they are SACRED!!!!!
  7. Shannon123

    Shannon123 Well-Known Member

    If my DD does not have a good nap she is a SHEDEVIL to get to bed. For about a week period she refused naps screamed carried on till you brought her out from nap time and than bedtime was horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrendous. My DS will usually take his naps quite well with the odd day being a short one but he is the type that will fall asleep for 5 minutes and wake up refreshed while the SHEDEVIL needs a good long one.
  8. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    When my DS gets this way I sometimes let him cry it out in hopes he doesn't wake his DS. Other times, I will let him fall asleep in my arms while rocking him which is a very rare opportunity as I have been very good about putting them down partially awake up till now and letting them self sooth to sleep. Maybe try a nice bath, that works for my guy everytime. If he's hot just let him sleep in his diaper. I don't do this often but it has worked on occasion, Hopefully you'll get back on track soon.
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