Help! One very demanding twin!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by madj18, Apr 6, 2010.

  1. madj18

    madj18 Member

    For the past two weeks my one son wants to be picked up and carried everywhere. He won't sit to play and if he even catches a glimpse of me he'll come crawling over crying and whining. I feel really bad for my other son who is very independent and chill. I try to play with both of them on the floor and he won't have it. Please tell me this is just a phase - maybe from teething?
  2. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    In my experience it was just a phase and it switched with which one was doing it. It made me feel so bad because I felt like I was ignoring the other when one was particularly demanding, but it seems to subside and all work itself out with them no worse off for it! Right now my ds is clingy and wanting to be held and he hasn't been like that since he was teeny tiny. DD did it for almost a month and then suddenly now only wants to walk everywhere and never be picked up or held - they seem to know what they need and my two really don't care if they aren't getting attention if attention isn't what they want at the moment! Good luck, I know it is frustrating but I do think it is just a stage!
  3. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Probably the beginnings of seperation anxiety. Don't worry about your other child feeling left out, down the road he'll need more cuddles for one reason or another, and all the cuddles will balance out in the end. It won't hurt to give him extra cuddles, and once he realizes you aren't leaving he'll probably crawl off and play on his own for a bit. Try leaving the room for small amounts of time, and as he becomes accustomed to you leaving and returning, he'll feel more confident that you aren't actually disappearing.

    Peek a boo is a good teaching game, to teach him that even though you disappear under a blanket (or behind a couch), you'll always come back again!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's just a phase. There isnt much you can do but just go with the flow. Give him more attention since that is what keep him calm. I would talk to them as I was out of sight. That seemed to help too.
  5. two41

    two41 Active Member

    I'm having the same problem with my 8 month old girls right now. One is very clingy and "needy", when she didn't used to be so. Any time I enter the room, even if she was playing so well, she will reach her arms up and start whining. It is killing me!

    I, too, hope it is just a phase. Or maybe teething, although I seem to blame everything on the teeth that just aren't coming. :)
  6. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    I could have written your post. Ugh. Hoping this phase will pass soooooooon!!
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    They get to this phase where they come back to you for reassurance. With twins it means it is harder to get things done. I found if I OVER did it with affection that they get bored and want to get away from me. hehe I have another singleton now and she has had it at different times. I still smooch her and cuddle her kiss her, and hug her tight.... yup minutes later she is pushing me away and ready to play with the toys. Of course me LEAVING the room is another story. That still sucks with the older twins and the baby.

  8. RG215

    RG215 Well-Known Member

    I'm going through the same thing and it's driving me INSANE!!!! I had hoped it was a phase, but I think I'm going on 3 months of this and it's not just one of them but both! I'm exhausted beyond belief because they want to see me all the time. If I lay on the floor they want to crawl/climb all over me but don't really want to be held. I really just want them to that too much to ask? They're almost 9 months old!

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