Help! One beating the other one to tears!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by foppa2102, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    omg, this is so heartbreaking. my dominant twin, sadie, is also very clingy to her passive sister, elena, but elena's been sick since last weekend and hasn't been feeling herself, and for the past 3 nights, when we put them down to bed in their toddler beds in their room together, they play at first, then sadie stands up and starts hitting elena in the head, sometimes sitting on her (and sadie is smaller!), and poor elena starts screaming at the top of her lungs like sheer terror. i can see all of this going on via the video monitor. so i've tried to let them work it out, but elena's cries are just killing me. so i've gone in there and yelled at sadie, taken her out and put her in time out, and nothing has changed her behavior, she goes right back in there and does it again. so i've ended up taking elena out of the room and letting her sleep with me because i know she needs some rest and doesn't feel good and doesn't feel like being beaten up all night. what the heck am i supposed to do??? elena won't fight back!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: That has got to be difficult to see and deal with. Can you take away something of Sadie's ? Maybe tell her she can have a certain item if she does not hit or sit on her sister before bed time? The only other thing I could think of is separating them or putting Sadie back in a crib. I hope some others will pipe in with some ideas for you :hug:
  3. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Mine are 2.5 and still in cribs -- sorry I'm no help.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wonder if you can put sadie in a pack n play in her room when that happens.

    She's a little young to associate you taking away something in response to her hitting her sister. But if you explain to her that if she gets out of bed, she has to go in the pack n play, that might sink in.

    :hug: I am so not looking forward to having two little monsters in toddler beds! :lol:

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