Help Me, They are not sleeping, What do i do?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Mommy2BofTwins, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Girls,

    My 4 1/2 month old twins are not sleeping at all from 3 nights, and its getting really hard for me since i am by myself. I am visiting my mom for help but becoz of her busy work she is not available right now. At night i don't want to disturb her so i just take care of my twins by myself, my hubby is back home :(

    They were sleeping fine, all thru the night since 3 months old and since i came to my mom's they were fine also just 3 nights back they are not sleeping at all, they share the crib and i swaddle them also. i tried unswaddling them putting warm clothes also, they just wanna be rocked to sleep. when i rock them one goes to sleep i put my DD in the crib, My DS wakes up i rock him then she wakes up again within 10 mins and this goes on all night. They don't sleep much in the day time either may be an hour in the day time twice a day. first i thought it might be becoz of time change from NJ to Vegas but i don't think that is it either since i have been here like 2 weeks and it just started 3 nights ago.

    Here is my schedule for the evening:-

    around 8 - 9 pm i start giving them massage for 20 mins following massage they get a bath after that i feed them and they go to sleep, then they wake up at 7 am for their morning feed. they don't need a bottle in the night, but lately for 3 days i have no idea what is going on. Please help me i stay up all day and night and today i am feeling like i will fall sick. i really need them to sleep what do you think i should do or what should help ?

    thx a bunch

  2. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Read the book "healthy sleep habits happy child" -- you will find it is worth taking the time out to read. yes i know you don't have much time, but trust me it is worth it !!

    At those ages you need to put them back to sleep 2 hours after waking. This means a diaper change and feeding all within that time. if you leave them too long they will get overtired. The more babies sleep the more they want to sleep. Put them to bed much much earlier. Try 6:30 pm. Yes hard to believe that an earlier bedtime can help with naps during the day, but it does.

    So if they wake up at 5 am -- next nap is 7 am. "Try" to eliminate the rocking, since with twins it is way to hard to keep that up. Mine have been sleeping on their tummies from the time they can roll (yes SIDS risk I know.. so this is a very personal decision. other option is have them on their sides.....)

    Also if they wake up after 45 mins (the 45 minute intruder) just leave them to see if they put themselves back to sleep. Or get them up, give them a quick bath and then back to bed.

    read the book you will thank me later .....
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also would recommend HSHHC - it sounds like they need more napping during the day and I would also try putting them to bed earlier than 9 pm! That sounds awfully late for 4 months old! For my girls, the better their naps were during the day then the longer they would sleep at night.
  4. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp's- at that age we started putting my boys to bed around 6:30. It was when we started getting them on a real schedule. And they were never awake during the day for more than 2-3 hours at a time. They always slept much better at night if they had good naps during the day. Good luck!
  5. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    I also agree with HSHHC. That book was a lifesaver and I only wish I had gotten it months earlier! They may be getting fussy because their over tired. Maybe you can try putting them to bed earlier - perhaps 7 or 8? GL :hug:
  6. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    I will agree with everyone on the book........a lifesaver!!! I wish I had bought it when I was still pregnant. I used to try a late bedtime and my dd was a nightmare, I really had no idea what I was doing. The first few months were a blur!! As soon as I read this book and did the things he said i.e. earlier bedtime and keeping waketime shorter, it made a world of difference. They are usually in bed by 6:30.

    Trust us.......Get the book!!
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Do you think they are going thru growth spurt and are actually hungry when they wake up? Have you tried giving them a bottle/BM in the middle of the night? I might be biased though because at that age my girls were still up 2x a night for feedings. :hug: Also do you have a swing or something to use to get them to sleep? GL figuring it all out.
  8. Mommy2BofTwins

    Mommy2BofTwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you girls so much, i put them to sleep last night at 8 and it worked miracle :) they were in bed by 8 that means i gave them massage and bath before that, but that arises another question.

    My twinkles didn't wake up until 7 am, they had their formula at 8 pm and next feeding is at 7 am, isn't that too long, they didn't wake up until 7 am. I hope its ok for them to wait so long. or should i wake them up. my baby's doc says its ok but just doesn't feel right.

    what do you think ? please let me know :)

    n thankx again to all the girls who responded you all are a life saver, i appreciate all you comments and suggestions and i have already ordered the book.
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