Help Me Pick a Jogging Stroller

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    To use while taking walks on rough roads, bumpy sidewalks, flat trails. What I care about:

    -Easy fold
    -Reclining seats
    -Place/way to store a few diapers, a couple of outfits and some bottles so they won't drag on the ground (we have lots of mud around here)
    -Easy to clean

    What I DON'T care about:

    -Whether it accepts carseats
    -Whether wheels remove
    -Whether it has a front swivel wheel
    -A huge amount of storage
    -Whether it folds compactly

    thanks :)
  2. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    BUMBLERIDE INDIE TWIN! so in love with it!! you can lock the tires straight to jog with it or unlock them so they turn. AMAAAZING stroller. : )
  3. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We bought the Baby Jogger City Classic Double stroller last fall when they were on sale for $399 and free shipping. We are finally just getting to use it a lot due to weather. Anyway, we LOVE it! The seats can recline waaaay back with just the pinch of a little clasp (super easy). The movable canopies do a fabulous job blocking out the brightest sun. To fold you just pull up on the nylon handles in the seats and it collapses in half (just be careful that you don't let is slam down on your knees, LOL). There is a big net/pouch thingy on the back of the seats that would easily store several diapers and things of that nature.

    We took it on a bumpy trail this weekend which had lots of twigs and rocks and it pushed like a dream and was so smooth the boys napped the whole time. This PDF gives the dimensions of the BJCC among other Baby Jogger strollers[/url]. The double stroller measurements are indicated by (D).

  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I have the Valco Twin Trimode. I love it.

    The only thing on your list of DONT's that you might care about is a swivel front wheel. It is such a pain to constantly have to lift the stroller to turn it. And with 2 kids in it, its gets heavy. Just a thought.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    You say you don't care about the front swivel wheel, but based on what you said you're going to use it for, I think you really want one. It makes the stroller SO much easier to maneuver, which is important if you're using it anywhere other than on wide sidewalks or bike paths. I have a double Mountain Buggy with a swivel front wheel, and often went walking with a friend who had a single Bob with a fixed wheel, and she had more trouble with curbs, bumps, and doorways than I did.

    Anyway, I recommend the MB, but it is expensive (we bought ours used and it was still $350). I can't speak to how easy it is to clean, because we've never cleaned it :blush: , but a friend of mine who also has one says that the covers and seats are removeable and machine washable.

    It's not very easy to fold, though, just because it's so heavy.
  6. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We are super happy with our Baby Jogger City Classic Double. Meets everything in your must-have list, plus it has the swivel wheel in front. Drives like a dream and the ride is nice and comfy for the kiddos.
  7. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    We have the Baby Trend Double Jogger. It's cheaper than most out there, and fits most of our jogging stroller needs. We did have to get a second stroller for day-to-day, but as far as walks, parks, zoo, etc., the kids love it.
  8. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I was going to recommend the Bumbleride Indie Twin too!! Fantastic.
  9. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    We have the City Mini Double and loooooove it.

  10. Kaffeetee

    Kaffeetee Well-Known Member

    I looked into baby jogger city select. It came out not long ago and has superb reviews. I checked it out at a local store and both my husband and I were impressed by it. I think a lot of people like it, and there is a waiting period on all sites that I visited.
  11. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the great suggestions. It sounds like I DO want a swivel wheel. ;) Now, if I can get both kiddos to sleep at the same time, maybe I'll have time to actually look at these strollers today.
  12. pandax3

    pandax3 Well-Known Member

    I have a Kelty for DS. Both me and DH are runners and we loved it. I am looking to get a double one onces the twins are born.

    Kids 20090216 Speedster Swivel Deuce Double Jogging Stroller

    Good Luck!
  13. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    We have the baby jogger city mini, and it's great (fits through ALL doors and great canopies). I do all of the things you describe. I go hiking on dirt roads (mostly smooth, but some bumps), go off in the grass, over curbs, etc. It's not the best choice if you are a runner.
    I tried it in the sand a few times and it's a pain. I had to turn it around backwards and drag it through the sand. good luck.
  14. Julixa77

    Julixa77 Member

  15. Julixa77

    Julixa77 Member

    I personally have the Instep Safari Jogging stroller(in pink ofcourse! :p ). It has the front swivel wheel and it folds up nicely (doesn't take a lot of trunk space). I just posted a discount code for all strollers at on the Facebook Fan page. Check out the site and if you like any, you can enter coupon code 10%Stroll at check out for your discount. Good luck!

    This is the link:

    Let me know if it helps!

  16. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    Like another poster said, the Mountain Buggy Double stroller is great. They aren't cheap, but are so easy to push anywhere and turn so easily (better than many single strollers my friends have). You can lock the front wheels for jogging or leave them to swivel when you need to be able to turn. It is canvas, so pretty easy to wash off if you get it muddy. I also have a diaper bag which attaches to the handle, but the bucket under the seats is big enough to store a lot of stuff too. The seats recline flat too, which is nice if someone wants to have a nap (or you need to do a diaper change out on the trail), or will adjust to any incline, including almost upright, which is good for feeding when out.
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