Help me - my twins turn 1 today and I'm sad!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MamaKimberlee, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    After how rough and hormonal those first three months were, I can't believe I'm saying this - but I tear up every time I realize they are 1 today! I can't believe it! I'll never have baby twins again!!! :cray:

    Is there more fun to come? I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have come to LIKE it when strangers ask me about them. (I see it as my reward for those first three months.) Will they keep doing that?

    What fun things happen after twins turn one? Are they still fun?

  2. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    AWWW big hugs! :hug99: I know how it is, I was very sad too. Now my babies are 2 and I can't call them my babies anymore. But you do have SO much to look forward to! They start talking so much better, and then they say, "Mommy I wuv YOU!!" That in itself is a joy to hear.

    You get to start really doing things with them, like coloring, playdough, and other kinds of fun stuff. Happy birthday to your babies. :birthday: :birthday: Have a great day, and you are doing the right thing by asking what you can look forward to. That is keeping it on a positive note!

    Bridget :hug99:
  3. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    :birthday: yes!! I know you are sad, but so much more fun ahead. They will talk more, say "I love you", play more independently, and as they get older, they'll continue to amaze you!!
  4. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    You definately have much more to look forward to! For me, it really got more fun after they turned 1. They start walking, talking, learning animal sounds, really giving hugs and kisses...the list goes on and on. Madison just started counting to 10 the other day, which I thought was so cool!! We're now able to go to parks and the tot skate at the local YMCA (with help of course...mommy isn't fast enough to chase 2 babies going in 2 different directions!). I haven't felt brave enough to do story time at the library yet, but I figure that might happen sometime this year.

    And you will still get comments from people about your adorable twins!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    OMG, everything is better after they turn 1! Well OK, you don't get that baby factor anymore, but I have found it SO much more enjoyable. They really wake up to the fact that there's a whole world out there, and you get to explore it with them! They learn to talk and share and play together -- and ask for kisses and hugs, and bring you books to read and try to climb up on your lap. I love it!

    It's true that people don't ask about them quite as much, although I do still get comments when people see me pushing them in the double stroller. I always liked the comments too -- it helped to compensate for my own self-doubt about whether I could do it!
  6. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Minette @ Nov 21 2007, 07:55 PM) [snapback]505007[/snapback]
    OMG, everything is better after they turn 1! Well OK, you don't get that baby factor anymore, but I have found it SO much more enjoyable. They really wake up to the fact that there's a whole world out there, and you get to explore it with them! They learn to talk and share and play together -- and ask for kisses and hugs, and bring you books to read and try to climb up on your lap. I love it!

    It's true that people don't ask about them quite as much, although I do still get comments when people see me pushing them in the double stroller. I always liked the comments too -- it helped to compensate for my own self-doubt about whether I could do it!

    Everything she said! Everyday when I get home from work I sit on the ground and they take turns running up to me and giving me hugs/kisses! I love it!
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member


    I can't believe mine will be 1 in Jan. time has flown. I didn't think rthat I would feel this way either but :cray:
    I'm glad you posted this!! I am afraid that since mine are fraternal they will look less and less alike and people will just think they are friends and not twins so they won't ask anymore :cray:

    it is so bad w/ me that I ordered 1st birthday invites and when they came, I put them away so I don't have to be reminded that it won't be long until the big day!

    talk about PPD? I've got 1st birthday depression and to think just 1 yr ago I could not wait for January now I am trying to push it away!

    I feel like an idiot because I want them to grow and be happy babies!!!!!!! :cray:
  8. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    I agree with others that you have so much to look forward to. Every day mine play together more and more, and the latest is in the morning when they wake up, and I hear them giggling at each other. Once I get them out of bed, Cameron will crawl around the corner and peek around at Chase, and they will both giggle. It's adorable. I hate that they are growing up so fast, but it's so amazing to watch them learn new things every day. Enjoy every moment!
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Kimberlee, :hug99: I know you are sad, but boy, does it get even more fun! They are hilarious now and they have so much fun running around, clowning around etc. It is awesome! You are going to love this year!
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The second year really is so much fun. They are learning so much, so fast & it is so great to watch them. I know how you feel, though, these are my last two babies & it is sad, in a way, to see them growing up. But I look at my older kids and I am enjoying watching them develop into the individuals that they are, and that is so much fun too. I think there is something to be said for every age & it really does just get better & better.
  11. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    My very favorite thing that we do together now that they are older is sing. We sing all the time. ABC's, "Itsy-bitsy Spider," "Jesus Loves Me," and, my all-time favorite, "If You're Happy and You Know It." It is so fun! They sing along and do the motions. Sometimes they even sing to each other when they are in their cribs. I get to wake-up to my babies singing and I can't think of a better sound to wake-up to!
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I felt the same exact way you are feeling. I was so happy to make it to a year but so sad at the same point to see it go. months is FUN!!!! Honestly, right now I just can't get enough of my girls. :wub: It seems they are really morphing into their own little person right now. They mimick everything, play with each other, laugh at each other, come right over and sit in my lap and snuggle, look at books, try to say words, smile, laugh, dance...I could go on and on. You have so much to look forward to in year 2. Of course, there are still "those days", of course, because we're still raising twin toddlers, but seriously, you are going to love it.
  13. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I completely understand how you are feeling. I have felt that way evey year since they were born. I cry on their birthday and look at their pictures from the previous just breaks my heart how fast time goes by.

    That are in for a great year:). 15-16 months it got really good for me. I used to be too afraid to go shopping or go out to eat with them by myself until that age. The got good at sitting in high chairs and eating finger foods so I would take them out after a long day at a nice mall. I would take them to the beach and sit in a chair reading while they were just sitting at my feet under an umbrella playing in the sand. Hearing them say I wa u mamma, and to each other will just melt your heart. Oh, you will still get the twin attention. Mine are b/g and they will be 4 in Feb. and I still get it. :love0028:
  14. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    It is sad, but there is alot of fun to come!! :)
  15. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    You have their whole entire LIFE to look forward to! :D

    You get to be in the front row seat to see them learn to run, learn to talk, learn to do somersaults, go to school and make best friends with everyone, get scraped knees, see their first report cards, their first lost teeth, hear about their first kiss, field phone calls from crushes, develop their own fashion sense, write stories, read, learn math, get freckles, go on field trips, be in sports or band, go on dates, go to prom, graduate.....

    One day they'll find "the one" and get married. And someday you'll be a grandma.

    There's a LOT to look forward to!
  16. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    Oh, there is so much more fun ahead! Yes, people still ask about them being twins, and I enjoy that too. Now that my kids are walking, talking and running around the house it is totally different than when they were one. They can do so much more and, personally, I have been able to get out more with them. They nap only once instead of twice during the day which opens us up to more activities too.

    I do think of when they get older and wonder what it will be like, so you're not alone. And, I also think that is just a part of parenting. The time flies by so fast, so enjoy the time you have together, and it sounds like you do. ;)
  17. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    This reminds me of about a year ago, the twins were 1 then, my office mate whose daughter was 2 said something to the effect that they are so much cuter at 2 than 1.. I was thinking 'What!??' They are babies now.. crawling around, etc.. But now I see what she means. When they start communicating with you, the things they say and do are so cute. My son running towards the checkouts at Target with a big box of crayola color wonder saying 'i pay, i pay, i pay' (i told him we have to pay first) or my daughter running to me and saying 'I love you mommy'.. that didn't happen at 1 year old.

    Also, a mother in her 60's with grown up twins said.. After the first year, EVERY year got better. She said 'I would think, this has to be the best year, but then the next would be better.'. I always remember that.
  18. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Nov 23 2007, 08:33 PM) [snapback]506690[/snapback]
    I felt the same exact way you are feeling. I was so happy to make it to a year but so sad at the same point to see it go. months is FUN!!!! Honestly, right now I just can't get enough of my girls. :wub: It seems they are really morphing into their own little person right now. They mimick everything, play with each other, laugh at each other, come right over and sit in my lap and snuggle, look at books, try to say words, smile, laugh, dance...I could go on and on. You have so much to look forward to in year 2. Of course, there are still "those days", of course, because we're still raising twin toddlers, but seriously, you are going to love it.

    I could have written this. Seeing the two of them actually play together, and be able to start to communicate what it is they want - this is the best time right now. I still call them my babies (ssshh - don't tell anyone!) but my toddlers are great! And I have an almost 4 year old, so I know it's going to keep on being great.
  19. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    There is lots of fun stuff to come! First time they realize what Christmas is. Lots of fun stuff - but I know how you feel. I cried so hard when our babies turned one. They are our last ones and I am so sad to see them get bigger!
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