help me feed my boys at the same time

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    when i feed my boys when im by myself, it's crazy. one baby is screaming while i try and burp the other, etc. its nuts.
    any tips?

    i bottle feed when im alone and nurse when my DH is home to hand me babies.

    ETA: someone mentioned the podee bottle. it looks weird, lol. anyone use them?
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We used the Podee bottles and my kids could really never get the hang of them.

    As for feeding them together, when they were really little I would put them in a Boppy and feed them like this. When they got bigger I put them in their bouncies and put them back to back and rested my elbows on the sides of their chairs.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We did something similar to Rachel. Once they got older, we were able to place them in their own boppies and prop their bottles with rolled up blankets. We also would strap them in their swings, place the swings on an incline, I would sit in between the swings and hold their bottles while they ate. Good luck!
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used Podee bottles for emergencies (when they were both screaming). But they had to be really hungry in order to drink from the Podee, it wasn't ideal. A lot of times I'd have to start the milk going in the tube, and if the baby was really hungry and screaming she would continue eating. But unless they were very determined the Podee's didn't really work.
  5. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    I never tried the podees, but have finally figured out a bottle feeding system that worked for us. I found using the bouncy seats hard on my back, so I broke out our highchairs, which have a recline feature. I set each boy in the chair without a tray and pile bunch of blankets in his lap and then a burb cloth on top. I rest my wrists on the blankets and when I need to burp one I rest the other's bottle on the blankets so he can keep eating.

    Good luck!
  6. divababy

    divababy Well-Known Member

    i feed mine in their svan bouncers. in early days i would have one in boppy and one in crook of knee until reflux made that a bad idea.

    i could even BF one on a boppy while bottlefeeding the other in the svan
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never used Podee's but I know a lot of people had success with them. I tended to feed mine like Rachel. Propped them then held the bottles for them. Then I just took turns burping them.
  8. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I use a tv pillow to prop them up (similar to using the boppy pillow, only more upright). When I have to burp one, then I put the pacifier in the other's mouth until I am done.
  9. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I did the same thing when the boys were about 4 months old (and I finally put the seats together). Before that I sat in our recliner and put one boy on each side of my legs (between the arm of the recliner and my leg). I could raise my knee to elevate them if needed. I also would sit on the floor with my legs out in a v then move my feet together (like a butterfly) and put the babies in the crook of my knees. When I had to burp one, I'd lay the other one across my thigh so they were more ready to burp. I also used receiving blankets to prop bottles if they were screaming. It took a lot of trial and error to figure out what worked best for us and then they got bigger and we'd have to figure something else out.
  10. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    I posted the same thing about a month ago, and got alot of great advice. Someone told me about the BeBe Bottle Sling. They work really well. I put them in their car seats and sit in between them. They are too young for me not to help them, but it gives me something to hold the bottle temporarily while I burp the other. As they get older, they will work even better. The product even claims to help teach them how to hold their bottle. Another strategy I use is I put both bouncy seats on the coffee table in front of the couch. I pull the coffee table really close to me and feed both. When it is time to burp one. I put their bottle down and use that hand to sit them up and hold them up with their face on my shoulder. They usually burp on their own from just sitting there, but if I need to I reach that hand around and pat their bag. My boys usually take "breaks" during their feeding so this actually works out, cause when one is taking a break, I can focus on the other.
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I sit right up against the right hand arm of my couch (overstuffed couch), with rylee resting on my right thigh, her headresting on the arm of the couch. Liam is laying beside my left leg, with his head near my knee and on a pillow, and his butt/legs under my left elbow.

    I feed rylee with my right arm curved around the top of her head, and liam with my left handresting on a pillow or blanket on his legs.

    This worked until I recently switched to fast flow nipples, rylee tends to choke on the bottle now so I try to do them individually, but they only take 8 mins to eat now so I don't have to make one wait as long! :p
  12. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I actually used and still use nearly every day, my EZ-2 Nurse pillow and I don't BF. It has a curved side and the other is flat, and i use the flat side and then put them both on it and feed them. When they were really little i would roll them over to burp them. When they got to big for that the EZ-2 Nurse pillow was a good enough prop that i would put them both on my chest and burp them at the same time.
  13. Lorem Ipsum

    Lorem Ipsum Well-Known Member

    Initially we just offset the feeding times for our twins so that they wouldn’t both be crying for a bottle at the same time.
    Though it’s hardly an issue anymore since they reached the point where they can hold their own bottles.
  14. rmcobb12

    rmcobb12 Well-Known Member

    You said that you BF when your DH is home so I thought I would try to describe how I BF when no one else is home. (Actually, I do the same thing even when my DH is here) I have an EZ 2 Nurse pillow and it is great! I usually just make sure I have everything I need right in reach and I sit and feed them on the couch. I place one on the couch and then I grab the other and put him on the pillow. Then I take the one off the couch and put him on the pillow. When I needed to burp them I just sat one up on the pillow and then I did the other.
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