help me be strong

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by R2cuties, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    :blink: Please tell me I'm doing the right thing. After our last dental appointment, the dentist really got on us about getting rid of Lanie's binkie. I know, I'm embarassed to say she still used it, but she's always been so attached to it and I was so afraid I'd do her some emotional harm. We got rid of it yesterday and traded in for a scooter. Please help me be strong. How long does this last??? Do you think it's better if I cut the nipples off and let her keep it just for comfort?? :blink:
  2. jennduke

    jennduke Member

    GOOD FOR YOU! When I took it away from my oldest son, we pretty much bribed him. Every night he slept without it, he had a little dinky surprise waiting on his dresser. It worked in like 1 1/2-2 weeks. I have also had a friend who took her twins to build a bear and they made a bear and sewed thier passies up in the bears and they slept with the bear every night. That was that. They knew the passy was inside and they were happy with that! If my twins still have their when they get a little older, I plan to do that too!
    Good luck and please keep us updated!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest DD gave her paci's to Santa right after she turned 3. I threw them all away Christmas Eve, so there was no temptation to give in to her. I suggest you get rid of them all, that way you can honestly say you don't have anymore of them, and you won't be tempted to give them to her. My DD asked for it at bedtime for about a week and we just reminded her she gave them to Santa. The first few nights were rough, but it got easier. But get rid of them!! Good luck!
  4. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]Been there and I know how rough it is. My 5 yr old was the only one to take a paci but he made up for the other 3 by his attachment!! I thought taking it away was going to be the hardest thing I ever did (he was older than your girls too) but honestly it wasn't that hard on him. I just told him he was a big boy and he really needed to give up the paci because it was going to mess his teeth up. Good luck[/SIZE]
  5. R2cuties

    R2cuties Well-Known Member

    Thank you............ she did really love them and would have one in each hand with one in her mouth. ...........I should have done this 2 years ago.............
  6. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    We took my oldest's paci away just after her 2nd birthday ... after going to a big bed, before the twins arrived, and before going to preschool (napping and no pacifiers allowed).

    We went to Target, put all the pacis in a bag, had her choose a toy which she had to pay for with the pacis (we literally handed the cashier the bag) ... she looked a little weird, asked for it one or two nights and never asked again. We started telling her 1 week in advance that paci was going bye, bye. We made a plan, stuck to it, and it went so smooth that I wondered why I didn't do it earlier.

    The twins have no pacis so one less worry (kind of).
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine only ever got them in their cribs and the dentist told me last year at 2 to take them away. I took them to the toy store and they "bought" toys with them. Now at their 3 year dental visit this week the dentist told me he could tell that they don't use them anymore! That made me happy :) Be strong! It will only affect them for a few days and then they will forget about them!

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