Help... looking for encouragement

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by andgoody, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    My pregnancy hasn't been the easiest by any means. On bed rest forever with early contractions. Medicine pump in my leg... non stop stuff it seems.

    Tonight I just found out that a friend of mine who is 19 weeks along lost her baby boy. She didn't feel much movement, so went right into the doc and his heart wasn't beating. She will have to deliver him tomorrow. She has two little ones already, and this same thing happened to her at 12 weeks last year as well.

    I've been on the verge of tears all night...mostly out of sadness for her and not being able to picture going to sleep tonight knowing your baby wasn't alive anymore. But also because I'm inching along with this stressful twin pregnancy...almost 29 weeks along...but all of a sudden petrified that the same thing could happen to one of my girls at any moment. I guess I was naive to think all that stuff only happened in the first trimester. All I can keep telling myself is that I've had dozens and dozens of ultrasounds...including more extensive ones...and everything has been wonderful with the hearts and such. UGGGHH. I guess it's not super likely that anything would happen now would it? Of course the cord being wrapped around freaks the heck out of me too...that always has.
  2. CarleyWC

    CarleyWC Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(anemo @ Feb 25 2009, 10:51 PM) [snapback]1205754[/snapback]
    My pregnancy hasn't been the easiest by any means. On bed rest forever with early contractions. Medicine pump in my leg... non stop stuff it seems.

    Tonight I just found out that a friend of mine who is 19 weeks along lost her baby boy. She didn't feel much movement, so went right into the doc and his heart wasn't beating. She will have to deliver him tomorrow. She has two little ones already, and this same thing happened to her at 12 weeks last year as well.

    I've been on the verge of tears all night...mostly out of sadness for her and not being able to picture going to sleep tonight knowing your baby wasn't alive anymore. But also because I'm inching along with this stressful twin pregnancy...almost 29 weeks along...but all of a sudden petrified that the same thing could happen to one of my girls at any moment. I guess I was naive to think all that stuff only happened in the first trimester. All I can keep telling myself is that I've had dozens and dozens of ultrasounds...including more extensive ones...and everything has been wonderful with the hearts and such. UGGGHH. I guess it's not super likely that anything would happen now would it? Of course the cord being wrapped around freaks the heck out of me too...that always has.

    OH Okay I completley understand. My first pregnancy was fine and upon delivery he just wouldn't cry. My sobs could be heard through the hospital. He must of heard me and perked up to a fine and healthy baby. The thing is i had a friend who's baby died just after birth. Although I didn't know her too well she was the abosolute epitamy of perfect, good kind soul, perfect soulmate marriage. I think it didn't really dawn on me how much I was affected (my low self esteem) until that moment of panic. She went on to lose another baby, but I praised God out loud when I'd heard that her third baby made it!!! Bless her heart she kept trying.
    Today I was watching TLC some delivery babies show and one of the families lost their baby. The father said Our baby passed on in the best place possible- right close to Momma, as close as can be, can't imagine a better place to do it. "
    I thought that was beautiful and I really want you to know that I worry so so much too. So much that I have to keep myself from thinking about it at all sometimes and get busy with something else. Chin up, You are stronger than you think!!!! So much Stronger!
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am so sorry to hear about your friends loss. And it is definately hard to not let yourself be consumed by these thoughts, you have to try and not think about that... for your sake. :hug: That is something that is not in your control, and no one wants to see you upset and crying over this. You are doing such a fantastic job. Just think positive and keep your head up woman. :good: It's hard to hear these kinds of things and not think of the "what if's" but you have to not go there. :hug: :hug:
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I am so so sorry for your friends loss :hug:
    I know how difficult it is to hear things like that, especially so during pregnancy, hang in there. :grouphug:
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am so sorry for your friends loss. I know it's hard, but try not to stress yourself out. It is neither good for you or the girls. Do your best to stay positive and focus on the things that are going right. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work Momma! :hug:
  6. kymbahlee

    kymbahlee Well-Known Member

    I know exactly how you feel. A friend had a late term termination as it was discovered her her baby had serious genetic defects not compatible with life. A fortnight later I had my 20 week scan and they told me one (and possible his identical twin) was highly likely to have serious chromosonal problems. The ob. told me to start considering if I wanted to continue the pregnancy. Idiot. The little IUGR baby is still doing fine.
    Take comfort from all your scans and appointments. Your babies are doing great! They are so close to 28 weeks which is a great milestone to have reached. BTW, have they said when they'll consider delivering/ releasing you from bedrest?
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