HELP! Kids dropped afternoon nap and I'm going crazy!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marchtwins, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    My kids (3.5) dropped their afternoon nap over the summer and I'm going CRAZY! I thought it would be better when they started 3 day preschool, but they're out by 11:30 am which still makes for a looong day. And their off-days - forget it! The kids argue like crazy and I can't get anything done! I try to avoid having the TV on all day, but it gets so bad I always give in eventually and flip it back on so I can have some peace. We run out and do short errands, play dates, trips to the playground - but it only helps fill and hour here & there. My daughter is generally a calm child and can sit still and look through books, color etc. - it's really my son who can't sit still and makes the days so challenging. I keep waiting for him sit with an activity like his sister will, but we don't seem to be close. the mean time, any advice how I can get through these longs days?

    Thanks ladies!
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    My girls gave up naps about six months ago and we went straight to "quiet time". That has been my sanity saver. Every afternoon for 1-2 hours they are in their room resting on their beds, reading books, playing with puzzles, or doing whatever else they want as long as they're generally quiet and not running around their room like crazy people.

    Can you give that a try with your kiddos? Perhaps separate them for quiet time so you only have to battle with your son about sitting still and reading/playing in his room.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Mine gave up naps about 4 months ago. It's actually not been that bad because they go to bed 2 hours earlier now, but yes... tv is pretty much always on (even if they really only watch a couple shows a day). We don't even have playdates and I don't trust my kids at the playground without another adult, so we're home most of the time... frankly school has been a lifesaver. We're all pretty bored here so no advice apart from putting them in bed earlier!!!
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We do movie time. Every afternoon around when their nap time used to be, we all sit on the couch snuggled under blankets and watch a movie. Sometimes they only sit still for 30-45 mins. Some days, like today, they both fall asleep on the couch for 30-45 mins. But it at least let's me sit down and grab a quick recharge (or a nap like today) before battling the dynamic duo again ;)
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