HELP! Got rid of pacis and now it is AWFUL!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KCMichigan, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We gave up pacis on Mon ( I clipped the end off and told them it was broken.. they inspected them and discarded them) One was so sad and kept looking at it and saying 'broken paci...mommy fix??) I said I could not fix them. I did not want them to just dissappear and we tried giving them to little babies and trading for a toy- one girl refused to give it up fo either.

    They only got them at night/naptime since 1yr.

    Mon night was OK...some fussing, some talking, they stayed up later.

    Tues/Wed/today.....starting Tuesday they screamed at naptime and did not sleep. Ditto for bedtime...screamed and did not sleep for 2 hrs past bedtime, fell asleep from exhaustion- woke up early. Reapeat until today. No naps since Sun and to bed hours later than usual and up at the same time if not early.....

    I am ready to cry at all the crying- the not sleeping, the cranky cranky, pink eyed children....any ideas??? Wait it out? Get 'new' pacis??

    We tried 'replacing/trading' for a beloved Little Einsteins stuffed Rocket, but no go. The PEDI and dentist say they HAVE to go. My sensory girl is having the hardest time and is not constantly putting stuff in her mouth all day (she os very oral), but the OT agrees that they have to go- due to teeth and speech.

    HELP?!?!? I need sleep...peace at naptime....ARGH!!!
  2. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    What a hard thing to be going through! :hug99: I had a hard time taking DS1 binkie away. I wouldn't go out and get new ones. It sounds like it is best that your children not have them anymore. It will get better. One thing that did help DS is that we gave him a some water in his sippy cup and that helped. I don't know if that would be considered a bad trade, but it worked for us to help ease the transition for him without a binkie. HTH!
  3. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    I'm working to the bedtime/naptime only, then headed your way shortly. So I don't have any advice, I wish I did. Hope someone else has some great ideas, or yours get past it quickly. :hug99:
  4. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time! I've been thinking about taking them away also, but am afraid to because I fear the problems you are having. I don't have any advice since I haven't been able to bite the bullet yet myself. :hug99: :hug99: I hope things get better soon. I do think you're too far in to crack now though. I wouldn't give them back if I were you. Stay strong!!
  5. mommy2my2

    mommy2my2 Well-Known Member

    I have not done it but plan to this week some time so I have been following this topic and other threads intently. It seems to me you need to say to yourself, "This is going to be a long and tiring month." If you know that going into it, and you are consistent, everything I've read seems to support that the kids will fall back into their pattern in a few weeks to a month. Also, I think they will sleep better after, as they won't wake up randomly looking for it. That's why we're giving them up..we waited because they had been sick over the holidays, so I know we need to bite the bullet and do it now. Keep us posted and good luck!

    Ashley and Maddy 5/10/05
  6. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I know what you are going through. Everyone said it was easy as cake and at 2.5 years of age here it was terrible after we gave up the pacifiers! And hate to say it, it lasted a while. My kids have sensory issues too, and Jade in particular was putting all sorts of other things in her mouth. But they did get past it eventually, that's about the best I have to offer. They got past it. Yours will too. You did the right thing. Be strong.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    We got rid of the Mimis (Pacis) in mid December and we're still having a hard time. Sean has decided he just doesn't need sleep anymore and James cries for his Mimi all the time. He actually found one of his sister's baby doll pacis and hugged it, rolled on the floor with it, talked to it and sucked on it most of last Saturday. James is becoming attached to a blanket which is nice as far as the sleep goes, but Sean has just decided that since he no longer has a Mimi then he must be a big boy and babbles non-stop which keeps up James.

    I'm sorry, I really don't have a point but I understand how you feel. :hug99:
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    We gave ours up at the beginning of December, and I think that we are finally over the hurdle a month later. It was rough those first two weeks, but what are you going to do? DON'T GIVE THEM BACK!!!

    FWIW, our pediatric dentist (who was the former pres of the american academy of pediatric dentistry) does not advocate getting rid of the paci for dental reasons. He clearly believes that it is just fine to have a paci, even at three. He said that it will not change the skeletal structure of the jaw (i.e., an overbite) or palate like thumb sucking can do. Yes, the teeth may shift outwards, but he said that goes away after about 6 mos. He jokes, "Don't blame the dentist" for having to give up the paci.
  9. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    I HATE that my DD uses a paci at sleep time but by reading everyone's giving them up posts I just don't think I am at a point to give them up. I'm sorry I have absolutely no suggestions for you other than not giving in, and waiting it out. I hope you get some success.
  10. juliereynolds42

    juliereynolds42 Well-Known Member

    We recently got rid of the pacis the same way you did. They chewed holes in them and I refused to buy more. It was hard at first because they didn't know other ways to calm themselves to go to sleep. But I think (finger's crossed) its getting better.

    One thing that I think helped, was to give them the broken pacis to hold on to as they fell asleep. Eventually they just stopped asking for them. If you haven't actually thrown them away, you might give that a try.
  11. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone.....I am staying strong, but we have yet to have a nap (if we have one) and/or bedtime without massive tears. It has been a tense week since they are so cranky and sleep deprived.

    My OP also said somehow 'my sensory girl is NOT putting stuff in her mouth!!' It was my sleep deprivation that said that she PUTS everything (crayons, clothes, blankets) in her has been a challenge to say the least. She was licking the door the other day too.

    I am hoping it gets better as PP say in a week to a month....naptime/bedtime have turned from fun & peaceful to tearful events and I hate it.

    Thanks for the dentist tip....funny how they all have different opinons. Our OT said to get rid of it too- since it will only get harder if she gets older and right now I have the support of OT to help us find ways to get her sensory stuff besides a paci (among other things).

    I keep telling myself "STAY STRONG" It is for thier own good.=]
  12. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Stay strong - thanks for the update. We are 2 days with binky/pacis for only naptime and bedtime, and that has been a struggle itself. I am not sure I am up to the week you have been having, maybe for a l-o-n-g time.
  13. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you're having such a hard time! We did the put them in a box and give them to new babies thing and they seemed to accept that. What about letting them pick out a new doll or stuffed animal to take to bed with them? I'm sure you are in the worst of it right now, they will come out of it. Stay strong!

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