Help! Extremely fussy, gassy baby when eating formula.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christie76, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    My poor Ellie. She is miserable when it comes time to eat. I started to wean them off of nursing 2 weeks ago. Boy, do I feel guilty. Up until then, she seemed fine. The more formula she got, the more upset her belly seemed. We talked to the doc and switched to soy on Monday. I saw no improvements and thought she was actually doing worse. We went back to the regular Similac and started her on Zantac yesterday. I really don't think it's reflux, but what do I know. She isn't spitty at all. She only arches her back when you burp her, which I assume is because of gas. I might get 2 ounces in her before she starts scrunching up and turning red and fussing and crying. I'll get plenty of burps out of her and toots too, which I think would make her feel better, but it doesn't. I feel like she needs to poop, but can't and is having really bad gas pains. When she finally goes, it's not hard at all. Almost watery. I really think she just can't digest the formula. The doc said we'll try the Alimentum in a week or two if she isn't getting better. I don't think I'll last that long seeing her in pain. I'm only get 2 oz. in her at most feedings and she's not acting hungry in between. It's actually her sister waking up to eat. She seems really tired lately too. I feel horrible and wish I knew what was wrong with her. I feel like it is a gas issue. The Mylicon and Gripe Water aren't helping at all. I don't think it's colic because it's at all different, random times of the day and only when she eats. Some days are better than others too. Does anyone have any advice? Do you think this can be reflux, even though she doesn't spit up at all? How long before I should see a difference with the Zantac. I would think in a few days, right? Thanks!
  2. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Nestle Good Start was a life saver for us after Aaron couldn't tolerate Similac. The lactation consultant recommended it as the best formula. We loved it and stuck with it until they went to whole milk. And even better, it didn't stain clothes or furniture when they spit up.
  3. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mellizos @ Jul 6 2008, 11:21 AM) [snapback]862178[/snapback]
    Nestle Good Start was a life saver for us after Aaron couldn't tolerate Similac. The lactation consultant recommended it as the best formula. We loved it and stuck with it until they went to whole milk. And even better, it didn't stain clothes or furniture when they spit up.

    Really? Somebody else suggested that too. Maybe we'll try that next, although the Alimentum or Nutramigen would be covered by our insurance, I believe.
  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    My boys are on Good Start and have had zero problems. Looking back at all the problems my girls had on other stuff, really recommend trying it out. Good luck!!!!!!

  5. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    We had similar issues. Zantac never worked with us- we moved on to Prevacid. However, the Dr. said Zantac should have worked within a couple days if it was going to. Also, the regular Similac didn't work either. My DD is on Similac Sensitive- it worked like a charm for her, and my DS ended up on Alimentum and did great as well.
    Good luck! Perhaps you can ask your Dr. for a sample of the Similac Sensitive and try it before Alimentum- and before two weeks?
  6. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Erineliza @ Jul 6 2008, 12:33 PM) [snapback]862249[/snapback]
    We had similar issues. Zantac never worked with us- we moved on to Prevacid. However, the Dr. said Zantac should have worked within a couple days if it was going to. Also, the regular Similac didn't work either. My DD is on Similac Sensitive- it worked like a charm for her, and my DS ended up on Alimentum and did great as well.
    Good luck! Perhaps you can ask your Dr. for a sample of the Similac Sensitive and try it before Alimentum- and before two weeks?

    We actually got 2 samples of Similac Sensitive yesterday. I figured we should only try one thing at a time for now. I thought the Sensitive wouldn't work if the soy didn't. Maybe I'll try it. I feel like I'll do anything right now to make her better. I don't want to keep switching her formula too much, though. I don't know what to do anymore. Did you insurance pay for the Alimentum?
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Have you tried mylicon drops in her bottles? When my girls were gassy this really helped. I also stopped them after each ounce to burp which helped them take more in at a time. GL and :hug99: to your lil one.
  8. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    I use the mylicon drops also and they seem to help.
  9. walbb05

    walbb05 Member

    We had been switched around just like you with the formula. Similac, Good Start Soy etc... My boys cried if their eyes were open. Not at lot of spit up. When they left the NICU they gave them zantac. Nothing worked. The mylacon either. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I took them to childrens hospital since every time I took them their ped he just said they were fussy babies. Anyway, childrens ER docs perscribed Prevacid and Similac Sensitive and I saw a change that night. within 3 days they were night and day. It was wonderful. After about a month the GI doc that we were seeing had us go to good start the orange can. They were having issues with constipation and the good start took care of that with a little begining help of Enulose. I hope that helps. Good Luck!

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