HELP! before we have to admit her to the hospital

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    My 2 yr. old was diagnosed with Pneumonia on Thursday. We had trouble getting her to take her antibiotic (augmentin) thursday night. Friday morning, we didn't even get it in her before we had to go back to the ER for extremely high fever causing convulsions and throwing up. They had to give her a shot of antibiotics. We got home, she was so thirsty I managed to get the augmentin in her via pedialyte. Friday night, I hid it in her syringe of Motrin and got it in her.... Same thing this morning.

    Well, now she won't take ANYTHING. Tylenol, motrin NOR the augmentin. It's a fight and a half. The Pharmacist told us to try to hide the augmentin in chocolate pudding since it couldn't be flavored. Tried that, she's on to us within 2 seconds and won't eat it. I tried giving her a bottle (they've been done with those for over a year, but thought I'd try) with the meds in the nipple followed by a shot of juice or whatever. We tried hiding it in juice (worked once, that's it) and the motrin (well she won't take that anymore) and tonite we wasted 3 full doses and we *think* we were able to get in about 1/2 a dose in her. This is after putting her in a headlock, pinching her nose and just shooting it in the side of her mouth. She spits it back out at us. There is no reasoning with a 2 yr old, though we tried that too... "Please take it for mommy/daddy, be a big girl and take your medicine" she don't buy it anymore.

    We NEED to ge these antibiotics in her. If we don't, we'll have to have her admitted to the hospital. Her fever won't break, we have to give her tylenol/motrin every 4 hours around the clock or she will spike back up to 104-105 (yes, 105 is what it was the other day when we went to the Dr.) if we so much as miss ONE dose, straight back up it goes. WITH meds, we're able to keep it to a respectable 99-100. This little girl is sick, and I SOOOOO don't want her to have to be in the hospital, especially at christmas.

    I need tips for getting her to take her meds. Anything. I'll try it all, so long as it works. We're already going to have to go back and ask for another Rx of the augmentin just to get through the mandatory 10 days, becuase we've wasted so much trying to get it in her...
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry I have no advice as mine are really great medicine takers...did they give you a syringe to administer it with - and you can shoot it down the back of her throat (past her taste buds)?
  3. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    We're going through this with both of ours. Auburn takes medicine like a dream. She actually loves the taste :huh: Nicole -- not so much. To get her to take it, we put it in a syringe. We strap her in her high-chair. I stand behind her and hold her head and arms. Hubby pries her mouth open and we give it to her tiny drop by tiny drop. It takes a while and it is traumatic for everyone involved. Although, the last few dosings weren't so bad. She's either getting used to it, or has realized that the fighting is worse than the medicine. Good luck :hug:
  4. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that...appleasauce? Mix it into yogert? Her favorite foods..what ever they are.
    Straight ice cream topped with it!????
    The key is small doses at a time around here. It takes quite a few foods to get it down. But Ice Cream is a favorite!!! (Topped with medicine and whatever the H@ll else she likes!!!)
  5. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Have you tried calling the doctors office and seeing if there is something different they can prescribe?

    How about a reward and a sticker chart? do those work that young? can you tell her that shes sick and it will help her feel better and you'll give her a sticker for every dose she takes and she can pick a prize of her choice?

    How many times a day does she have to have it? You said you got it in pediatlyte- can you continue to do that?
  6. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    The only thing I use is the dropper that comes with the Tylenol or Motrin. Just shoot it in and that's it.
    But it sounds like you tried that already. :mellow:
    Good luck!!
  7. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    Yea we tried the syringe method.. That's how we're getting *some* of it in with the headlock method. I always talk to my kids when we/they are at the Dr.'s telling them what's going on, what the Dr. is about to do, etc... so I've told her "it will make you feel better, but it might not taste good." to, "if you don't take your medicine for mommy, you'll have to go back to the hospital"....

    I SOOO wish I could give it in yogurt or ice-cream. Unfortunately, she is also lactose intolerant - but I guess I could try the lactaid ice cream?? Will have to do that tomorrow - good suggestion. :)

    I'm to the point I was thinking of just mixing it with a shot of sugar water to combat the bitterness of the meds... I don't know if I can or not... and now I will have that stupid Mary Poppins song stuck in my head the rest of the night "just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicne go down, the medicine go dowwwn medicine go down.... :roflmao: LOL good lord!

    I just got back from Walgreens and got the tylenol meltaway tablets hoping that will help, in bubblegum flavor, Motrin in bubblegum flavor (something different from what she's been taking) and a pacifier medicine administer thingie. I'm hoping I can just put it in there, and get her to suck on it maybe while she's still asleep even..... Hoping for a miracle.

    We actually have the same problem. Our other girl LOVES medicine! We've even tried the whole, "Watch, sister's taking HER medicine, now it's your turn.." He** I've even tried it with Mickey Mouse. She's all for giving MM HIS meds, but when it's HER turn...... another story.

    Thanks for the tips, keep 'em coming!
  8. cnasmom

    cnasmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Rose524 @ Dec 21 2008, 01:18 AM) [snapback]1117891[/snapback]
    The only thing I use is the dropper that comes with the Tylenol or Motrin. Just shoot it in and that's it.
    But it sounds like you tried that already. :mellow:
    Good luck!!

    We went through the same thing over the summer and tried all the tricks. The only thing that fooled them was sherbert ( orange or berry flavored) and even then it only worked for a few doses. I felt like I was constantly going to the store trying to buy new things. Good luck and I hope she gets well soon!
  9. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    My guy has the same thing but thankfully he will take the Augumentin. His is flavored so I am not getting why it can't be done? It is some tropical flavor. He doesn't like it but takes it. What about chocolate syrup? I did that with my older ones and it worked for the most part. I hope you can get her to get some med's down and I know how you feel because they really are sick! We are on the upswing and just praying that the other one doesn't get it. My dr. made a comment about how it could be viral Pneumonia or bacterial but was treating it either way just in case.
  10. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Can you try and let her give herself the medicine? I know that is what we had to do when Dani has an ear infection. She had to be the one to shot the medicine into her mouth.
    Good luck. I hope she feels better.
  11. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I've been there! My kids hate augmentin (not that I blame them!). I know this is "bad", but I've mixe it with soda (Pepsi) and had them drink it with a straw. Don't let her see you mix, don't tell her about it.

    Unfortunately, the augmentin is so strong that it's hard to mask the flavor. On several occasuons we ended up getting shots of antibiotics because they just woukdn't take it!

    Do they have augmention in a chewable tablet? Still gross, but my kids take it a little better.

    Good luck! I hope she feels better soon!
  12. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    Pin her down, hold her arms, pinch her nose, put it in, blow in her face. Its harsh, its not fun... but it works. (This method takes two people).
  13. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    have two glasses of soda one filled with the medication. Pour the medication onto a spoon or syringe. ask her if she would take her meds she could have some soda to wash it down. if she refuses the med but still wants the soda give her the soda that has the medication already in it. (hope you could understand that trick) I don't have two year old so I dont' know the tricks for that age.

    other option chocolate syrup as mentioned above. Milk shake ?
  14. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We had the same issues with our girls, they refused to take their Cefzil. I called the doctor back and told them and they had me bring mine back in for Rocephin (sp?) shots and switched their meds to Zithromax (they were extremely ill). If I know I am getting Augmentin, I will ask the pharmacist to flavor it--most will do that. I will now be doing that whenever I have to get Cefzil because it's gross!!

    We tried to hold ours down and force, and Sarah actually figured out how to keep from swallowing it and Allison just threw it up. It was complete madness and not worth the trouble. The doctor will understand and give you other options if necessary.
  15. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Try mixing it with chocolate syrup and ice cream (tblspn) and then get it in that way! Good luck!! :hug:
  16. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    We had a similar battle with Maia recently - she had to have drops and a cream 3 times a day and was completely refusing both. So I found a book with great, easy to copy / trace, pictures (Sandra Boynton) and asked Maia to pick her favourite. I drew it big in the middle of a piece of paper and round the sides drew little pictures of syringes and the tube of cream (one for each dose they needed ie 7 days, 3 times a day = 21 little drawings of each one). I brought out the SPECIAL stickers that they only get to use for sticker charts (leftover smiley faces we used when they were toilet training) and she got to stick on one sticker each time she had the drops or cream.

    It worked amazingly. I don't know how old your little on is. Maia was about 2 years and 5 months when we did this, but the toilet training chart worked when they were exactly 2 years. At this age the reward is sticking the sticker, they don't need anything else. We left it on the fridge and her sister was so jealous that we had to make her one too for toothbrushing.

    The other thing I do, if I need to give them a yukky tasting brand of acetaminophen (but one which doesn't disturb their sleep), is fill a syringe with the meds and carefully wash off the outside and dip it in something that they like the taste of. I then leave that in a cup next to me and give them another, identical, syringe of water. I give two or three syringes of water and then suddenly swap in the yukky one and immediately follow by a syringe of water. But that works better for one-offs as they'd lose their trust in me if I did it frequently.

    Good luck
  17. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    My kids have been on Augmentin before and it always been nicely flavored. Not sure why your pharmacy can't flavor it.
  18. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I was going to say blow in the face as well. Do a little bit of medicine at a time and immediately blow in her face. It is a reflex and they have to swallow.
  19. SuzanneTX

    SuzanneTX Well-Known Member

    Just one other idea. Mine are on antibiotics daily due to a bladder condition. We finally switched to a capsule which we break open and add to something tasty. I have had a lot better luck giving them capsules than the liquid. Good luck - hope they feel better soon.

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