Help, Bad Behavior

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NatalieK, May 18, 2007.

  1. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    My formerly well behaved kids have gotten out of control. DH, a friend, and I took the kids to Chickfila for lunch and it was a nightmare. First they would NOT stay seated. Bouncing around the bench seats and just ignoring our requests to stay seated. Then they threw major fits in the play area loud enough for the whole store to hear. My DH was so mad he grabbed both the twins under his arms and said to me "They're done!" He took them straight out to the car. I did get alot of sympathetic looks from the other moms, but I was still mortified. Could it be terrible twos already?? What can I do to stop this? Please tell me this is somewhat normal.
  2. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    Your children are perfectly normal & exhibiting age-appropriate behavior. You can do the right things like requiring them to stay in their seats or removing them from the restaurant, but it is a process that takes much repetition & patience. Your kids weren't behaving badly - they were behaving like almost 2 year olds. Hang in there mama.
  3. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I agree with Bella...its hit or miss at this age...They still have some outbreaks, but not as that they can understand a little better. Good luck and hang in! Dh removing them was the right move.
  4. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    my kids know there has to be peace before chaos..

    before each meal.. we sit and place hands together..

    thats the term we use.. hands together..

    even if you dont pray .. the act of placing hands together calms them down to get their attention for whats comming next..

    we do infact pray.. just a quick prayer and when its over.. amen they know they can begin lunch..

    what your expirenceing is normal.. and hard..

    just go with the flow..

    let dad take them out and miss behave.. it wont hurt them to be taken out of the.. restraunt..
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I agree it was normal, and I also agree that your dh did the right thing by removing them from the situation. I think eventually they'll learn to not act like crazies in public places and you're on the right track.

    And everyone has a bad day every now and then.
  6. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    ps its repeition. sp.. we do it for breakfast lunch and dinner.. weather on picknicks or at home.. out in public or private..

    i hope this little tip helps you.. it helps me..

    mostly gather them together..
    get ther attention..

    and thank god for what he has given us..
  7. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    I agree with pps, they are acting like kids that age act. Like your DH, when mine would start getting rowdy like that, it was time to go. We'd just watch their cues and could usually tell it was time to leave before it became a scream fest - much less embarrassing that way. Hang in there, I promise they outgrow it, but it takes time. :hug99:
  8. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    I also consider my girls very well behaved, but there was a time between 2 and 3 years of age when I found it easier to just stay home and eat. I think it's a mental maturity issue, like trying to get them to stay in their beds when they know they can get out. Try again when they're a little older.
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