HELP! 8.5 mos schedule chaos

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by tinah, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. tinah

    tinah New Member

    Oh how things change! We had a great schedule going: LOs sleeping through the night with one wake-up for a bottle and naps were lengthening. Then 4-5 weeks ago they both got sick and started teething (both cut their first tooth on the same day...pretty cool). Chaos erupted and we have yet to recover. Currently DS refuses his bottles, wants to nurse 24/7, and wakes up every 2-3 hours at night crying. DD cut three teeth in the last three days and has learned to stand up on her own so she's now waking up crying, trying to stand up in the crib (we took out the second mattress so she can't) and chewing on everything in sight. If I weren't so exhausted and frustrated, I'd think the whole scene was hilarious. I've tried to restore order but then they got another round of colds. Oh yeah, and then we went on vacation. I just looked longingly at the 9 mos old schedules being posted on his forum and wonder if we'll ever get there.

    Is this kind of regression normal???? I know sickness/teething/developmental milestones can throw everything off, but for 5 weeks!!! Should I just make a schedule and push us all through it until they settle down? I don't even really know what kind if advice I'm looking for; it just feels good to get my frustration out. Thanks for listening.
  2. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    Seems pretty normal to me. I think any significant change put them into a spin for a while especially sickness. I have found that each time this has happened that the 'new' routine is not the same as the usual one. Last lot of viruses in our house lasted nearly two weeks and we now have one twin who only wants one nap a day, no bottles only cups and is a lot more settled during the day. The other who didn't get sick is still having two naps and bottles. My only advice would be to keep track over the next couple of days and see where their routine is naturally leaning then work out a schedule from there. I find once their sleep times are set things start to calm down abit. Good luck.
  3. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    it does seem normal, but really hard! Sorry! I tend to try & push the normal routine with as few exceptions as possible, especially when it lays sooooo long. You're probably already doing this but give them tylenol before they sleep. That can help. I've found that they just have to work through it a lot of times (teething, waking a lot, standing). Hang in there!!
  4. tinah

    tinah New Member

    It is definitely true that the schedule we end up with will be very different from what we had before. I will keep track for a few days and just stick with it. Thank you for the support!
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