Helmet /flat spot questions

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by MarchI, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Our pedi expressed concern about Jacob's flat spot when my husband took him in for a pink eye check last Friday. We've been trying to reposition but Jacob turns his head himself so it is hard to get him to keep it off the flat spot. I think a helmet may be in our future. I know that sometimes, insurance won't cover it since flat spots are considered cosmetic. Does someone want to share how much the helmet cost? I am trying to set up my FSA for the year and make sure we have enough money in the account in case we need to buy one. Thanks! Oh and if anyone has any repositioning/keeping the head off the flat spot tips, I will take them.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We had flat spots too at 4 months, and were able to correct with repositioning. Here is a great article on repositioning. Link
  3. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    We tried repositioning, but ended up needing to get them both helmets. The helmets cost $2800 each. Our insurance may or may not pay some or part :pardon: We're still going around with them.
  4. jaclynkoehl

    jaclynkoehl Well-Known Member

    Hi, Looks like you've caught the flat spots pretty early which will hopefully give you some time to try alternatives to the helmet. Both of my twins had flat spots that we were able to correct through positioning, craniosacral therapy, and physical therapy (they also had torticollis). But, we did our research on the helmet just in case.

    As far as insurance/helmet costs go here's what I learned from our experience:

    - Call the local companies that do the helmets and ask about your insurnace - they usually know! They may need your insurance information to run the eligibility. There are two companies here that offer the helmet, only one was covered by our insurance. On top of that, there had to be a specific amount of asymmetry in order to be covered.
    - Usually the companies will do a free evaluation. Get a prescription from your pediatrician to go get the evaluation. Some insurance companies require that you have several measurments that prove that the head shape isn't improving on it's own or with other interventions (like repositioning). IT was also a great way to get measurements to see if the other therapies were working.
    - My husband and I were prepared to put the twins in helmets if we didn't see enough improvement even if it was in the acceptable range for insurance. Our cost would have been $900 per helmet. Based on my research it differs greatly based on location and company that produces the orthotic. They are usually good about letting you know the cost if you ask. I think our price was based on what our insurance would have paid them if it had been covered. Ask for a cash discount if you can!

    Good Luck!
  5. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    We were lucky and our insurance covered the cost of Michael's helmet. It would have been $2500 and we were prepared to pay that if insurance declined our claim.

    If repositioning doesn't work, follow up with your ped for an evaluation for torticollis. Michael has a pretty severe case and it's caused facial asymmetry and a lumpy head, despite 11 weeks in a helmet and 6 months of PT.

    Hopefully repositioning works for you, be aggressive, it's worth the effort!
  6. branta

    branta Member

    I have one son that has torticollis and an asymmetrical back head who is getting a helmet in a few days. His brothers' back is symmetrically flat and we were told a helmet wouldn't benefit him greatly. The helmet cost is 3500 and we will have to pay 700 of it. Insurance will only cover the cost because of the torticollis and having been through physical therapy for the past 2 months.
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys so much, I am going to try the cutting a hole in foam to rest his head on to see if that helps. My other twin rolls over now so I am not as concerned with his head and his head isn't as flat. Thank you for letting me know costs and JacStar thank you for all the information. I will ask my pedi at their 4 month visit who they refer patients to for the helmets.
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