Hello Ladies

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by danigirlfor00, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. danigirlfor00

    danigirlfor00 New Member

    Well I was at the hospital two fridays ago for preterm labor and contractions every 1-2 minutes, they eventually calmed down and I got released and was okay until this past friday. When the back pain came back and has been here every day since. I ended back up in l&d on Sunday cause of contractions and I thought I had broken my water, they actually admitted me for a short while and then released me back home.

    I had a doctor appt and NST yesterday which showed even more contractions so the doctor said for me to stop working and to rest as much as possible (so I guess it's like modified bedrest) and gave me some nifederpine to see if it helps ease the contractions.

    I'm 33 weeks and 4 days pregnant with di/di twins. I had a c/s scheduled for 8/2 but the doctor cancelled yesterday as the anesthesia issues that caused the early schedule has cleared up, so now she'll let me go to 8/10 or 8/17. She will let me birth them natural if they are both head down, any other presentation and the babies will be born via c-section.

    I have a 3 year old daughter and a 9 year old step daughter that also live with us.

    So that's basically my update. I go back in a week for another bpp, u/s and OB appt.

  2. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    welcome to the bedrest club! I'm so glad i have a laptop.

    I'm on strict bedrest though - and i'm only 19 weeks, and this is for TTTS...

    You must be getting excited - they're so close!

  3. danigirlfor00

    danigirlfor00 New Member

    Oh I'm so sorry. I spent the entire pregnancy, well from weeks 13-36 on bedrest with my daughter due to various reasons. Initially it was cause I had an attempted miscarriage at 13 weeks then PTL then PIH and then off course when it was okay to have her, everything stopped and I had to be induced at 41 weeks.

  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about all the contractions but glad to hear your are still hanging on. You have reached some major milestones, hopefully you will be able to surpass a few more.

    Are the contractions causing cervical changes?
  5. pdxpeach

    pdxpeach Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the club. Hope your girls are letting you take it easy. Sounds like you are great though at 33 weeks.
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