hello, i have been gone way too long

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jooles73, Sep 18, 2007.

  1. Jooles73

    Jooles73 Well-Known Member

    ok, well the girls are in head start for year two, today was the first day :( they are growing up too fast. I am still working at unicel in the collections department i finally got moved to day hours (was working 1-10pm) now i am working 9-6, so it works out pretty good, i can drop the girls off at head start for 730am then go to work be thre around 830, randy (my dh) works out of the house still so he will pick them up after school. ok wait sorry will stop there you guys really don't need to know this.... lol, i am just soooo happy to have time to be on line to say hello i am rambling, for those of you who remember me, yes i always ramble so sorry!!! :laughing:

    well the girls love it here, Bradi today when i started to leave the school, had a bit of a breakdown, so i ended up staying a bit later then most of the other parents, which is fine. then they had after school today their one year assessment for cds (child developemnt services) EI. and my husband stayed for that, i had to leave to get to work..... he almost walked out of it he was very angry with them, because the girls are very shy and anti-social, they think they need psycho-therapy.... which they tell him would be 2 days a week, for about 3 hours each (1.5hours per child) in bangor (45 min. away), they are getting dt (developmental therapy) already 2days a week once in the home and one day at school, and they told laura (the one doing the dt) that because they are over 3yrs old that we should be going to her, she shouldn't be doing home visits anymore, so that is also 2 days a week 3 hours each, and they should be getting speech therapy which is also 2 days a week and yes 2hours per visit (and also must be at their office) granted it is in the same town but then my husband who works out of the house, wouldn't be able to do any work at all because he would be driving the girls to their appointments everyday sometimes twice a day.

    oy vey sorry folks now i am venting and rambling............ ok enough for now will write another chapter later.........
  2. daniellecic

    daniellecic Well-Known Member

    wow! welcome back! :sign0016:
  3. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Hi! Glad to see you back. That sure does sound like alot of running around. Hopefully you get something worked out.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Welcome back!
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