Hello Been Gone For A While But Now I Am Back With Problems

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KAMILAH, Dec 16, 2006.


    KAMILAH Well-Known Member

    Okay hello ladies and gentleman

    My boys are soon to be 18 months old one walks and one does not. One talks and one does not. One sleeps through the night and one does not. It is kinda hard because I am not getting any sleep I am not familar with the CIO but I have been reading it. Should I be concerned that one of my twins does not walk or talk he makes sounds but no words at all He scoots around the house and recently has pulled himself up on the couch and will stand he feeds himself and drinks out of a sippy no pacifer so is he okay and just slow or slow and not okay We have a doctors appointment soon but I wanted some other options or may be someone is going through the same thing



    KAMILAH Well-Known Member

    Okay hello ladies and gentleman

    My boys are soon to be 18 months old one walks and one does not. One talks and one does not. One sleeps through the night and one does not. It is kinda hard because I am not getting any sleep I am not familar with the CIO but I have been reading it. Should I be concerned that one of my twins does not walk or talk he makes sounds but no words at all He scoots around the house and recently has pulled himself up on the couch and will stand he feeds himself and drinks out of a sippy no pacifer so is he okay and just slow or slow and not okay We have a doctors appointment soon but I wanted some other options or may be someone is going through the same thing


  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would not worry too much about the walking, it sounds like he's getting there, just at his own speed, and he's doing fine overall. You might want to ask your ped about the not talking though. It's probably fine, and many kids (especially boys) have a language explosion starting at 18 months. But if he is not saying any words at all, you might want to have him evaluated. HTH!
  4. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    IMO, You can never have too much support. I would have your baby evaluated with EI. I have one that just started walking and the other is just starting to cruise but not near walking at all. She is in EI and the support and reassurance they give me is priceless! You should call your local EI, tell them what your baby is or isn't doing and they can tell you if they think an eval is needed.

    Good luck!
  5. Tracy B

    Tracy B Well-Known Member

    One of my twins didn't walk until 19 months. He caught right up to his brother who walked at 14 months very quickly. I wouldn't worry about that part yet.
  6. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    i think it's good that you have an appt with the dr soon. it's always good to get a professional opinion.

    were your twins early? if so, you might want to think about evaluating their growth/expectations/etc to their adjusted age.

    KAMILAH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your advice

    The doctor said that health wise Antoine is okay and she does not see any grwoth problems she suggested the EI to if we wanted a second opinion, but he is making progress he can move in a walker which is something we did not know so I am hope ful for those doing EI
    how much does it cost and who should I call.
  8. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    I'm a speech therapist who used to work in EI. I would look into it. Each state is different regarding fee scales. It used to be free in NJ. Your ped. should have the # to call. If not, just google Early Intervention with your state. The therapists will come to your home and he'll love it!
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