Hello and Cholestasis

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Yoyomilli, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Yoyomilli

    Yoyomilli Active Member

    Hi everyone,
    I am currently 31 weeks pregnant with b/g di di twins. I have been a lurker on here since I was surprised with twins at 7 weeks. They will be our 2nd and 3rd children.

    Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy at 29 weeks. After multiple miserable nights of extreme itching my doctor was quick to diagnose me. Now I am on ursodiol and have NSTs twice weekly and increased visits to the perinatologist.

    I just found out today we will be doing an amnio at 34 weeks 2 days and if their lungs are mature will deliver the following day! It looks like they will be spending some time in the NICU, but better that than the risks to them baking a little longer!

    I had found a lot of info on singleton pregnancies with ICP and have searched twinstuff, but haven't found much info on ICP with twins and was wondering I anyone else has been afflicted? With all the scary info about this disease it would be nice to hear some success stories!

    Thanks for reading! Laura
  2. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I had it. Delivered at 37 weeks. I thought risk was after 38 weeks (although been over 8 years for me), found itchymoms.com great site
  3. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    I had it, too. The itching almost drove me insane. I delivered healthy babies at 35 weeks. Good luck!
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi and thanks for delurking! We're happy to have you here.
  5. Yoyomilli

    Yoyomilli Active Member

    Hi and thanks! I am hooked on the itchy moms site and diet recommendations from there have definitely helped a little. Initially my OB said we would deliver at 37 weeks, but because medication hasn't helped the itch or nausea/lack of appetite she is concerned enough to deliver early as there might be a correlation between lack of effectiveness of medication and fetal complications. I will find out why perinatologist thinks today...
  6. staceyloraine

    staceyloraine Well-Known Member

    I had it too. I was clawing my skin so bad! Its the weirdest condition! I didn't start itching until 34 weeks, then delivered at 36. They just kept checking my blood levels and said it got too high so they had to deliver. Hang in there. I'm sitting here now listening to my twins babble to each other and jump up and down in their cribs. 20 months now. :)
  7. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I had it as well! I would wake up itching and bleeding...it was just terrible! Poor Mama!!!!!

    I started to itch at 36 weeks and the blood tests came back 2 weeks later at 38 weeks and I delivered 5 days later. I had a healthy boy and girl and no issues because of my condition.

    Good luck with the amnio!!!!!
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