Hello 2nd Year...and a question about their first bad diaper rash

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MeredithMM, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone! My boys turned one last week, and I posted a goodbye note on the first year forum, but I just realized I never posted a hello note here.

    So, hello!!

    The boys have had a few very minor diaper rashes here and there, but with a little diaper balm things would always clear up really quickly. But yesterday evening I discovered the boys had a few blisters! There was not much rash to speak of, just some red places with blisters. They seemed to come out of no where.

    We have not changed diapers (we do cloth), but I did recently start them on milk, and they have been pooping more. But the blisters are actually near their penis and in the folds of their leg skin. So it appears it's probably not a reaction to the new milk poop.

    Any thoughts? I have been putting cream on them, and they look a little better tonight. If they are still there Monday I will take them in to the doctor. But I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what you did.

    They don't really seem to be in pain with them. They let me wipe them off and put on new cream without a fuss.

  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had some bad bums with blistery rash for a while when we first introduced milk, but it did go away after a while. To treat it, we used aveeno oatmeal bath for bathtimes, avoided wipes (just used a warm wet soft washcloth), and changed diapers as much as possible. I used sudocreme to calm down the rash, but tried to avoid putting it directly on the blistered area. The really bad red rashes can sometimes be from yeast, so you might want to get a yeast treatment from the doctor if it doesn't resolve in the next day or two.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Jen...my son has a blistery rash before and I also used petroleum jelly and that also helped resolve it.

    :welcome: to the SY!
  4. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    One of my boys also had a little bit of the blistery rash. Just one or two little blister dots. I gave him more air time (w/o diaper) and used diaper cream on the rash. It cleared up within a couple of days. I use Weleda diaper cream beacuse it does not stink up the cloth diapers with fish oil smells. I also tried to keep him in fleece lined pocket diapers rather than pre-folds. I do think air time helps the most.
  5. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    1. Try not wiping the skin after poops, wipe off excess and then try sitting them in a sink or tub and gently running water over it to wash off poop and use your hand with some mild soap. The more you disrupt the skin the longer it will take to heal. Plus, if you give it a wash after poops especially, there is less chance of any residual stool causing irritation.
    2. Let them air dry for a good ten minutes after.
    3. When you put a diaper back on, try a bit of baby powder to soak up any excess moisture and then put lots and lots and lots of diaper cream. I mean a very thick layer. I find Desitin 40% works the best. The point of lots of cream is so that urine or poop won't touch the affected areas. Change diapers FREQUENTLY.
    4. If it's yeasty you will will likely see reddended, rashy, raised areas, sometimes in clusters.
    5. If it persists you will probably need an anti yeast ointment (Nystatin) and maybe even an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

    Might also help to limit foods that make them poop frequently, like fruits, etc. for a couple of days.

    I am way too experienced with bum rashes, from peds nursing and my twins :)
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I can't add to the wonderful advice given by PPs, but I just wanted to say :birthday: to your boys, and :welcome: to SY! :D
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    UGH!!!! we went through that when I attempted introducing cow's milk, and then with soy milk too! it seemed to clear up and then 6 mo. later I finally gave up the whole-milk yogurt and the rashes finally quit!!!

    anyway as for what to do, the others said the same thing, but what worked for us was the aquaphor layer with desitin or triple paste on top. once we got the main rash cleared up we did continue with a cheaper petroleum jelly layer instead of the aquaphor.

    as for the cloth diapers, #1 make sure (like pp said) that you use a diaper cream with NO cod liver oil in it. I'd used a Publix store brand and that was the worst "$2 savings" I could have ever done! you will notice the fishy smell, and you'll have to strip the diapers to get them smelling fresh again - it can be done.

    and then #2 if you have any type of liners I would use those, you can cut fleece into about 5"x8" strips to be a layer against their skin to protect the cloth diapers.

    GOOD LUCK! what a huge hassle. a positive note... potty training takes care of the whole issue since they aren't sitting in it anymore!! though I realize that's a ways away...
  8. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! Good tips!!

    I gave them lots of air time today, and that seemed to really help. Now the blisters are more like little scabs. I also used some burt's bees cream, and that seemed to really help with drying.

    So, do you all think it could be a reaction to the milk then? Or a reaction to the poop produced by the milk?

    They have also been pooping a lot more than normal. That's a story in itself. I don't know if it's because they are bigger or what, but now that they are pooping more then they did with breastmilk and formula, I just feel like there is poop everywhere these days. It just seems that it seems these days I can't do a diaper change without poop getting somewhere. They are so wiggly when I am trying to change them, and they poop so often. I'm not the only one with this problem, right? :laughing:
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I would say that the extra pooping is the milk... and the rash is the milk properties in the poop that is reacting with the skin! I think many have said that it takes a bit of time to adjust to milk... I never gave it enough time, I went to Almond milk instead. guess one day I need to try it again, as I love making mac & cheese and there's milk in that but whenever I tried to feed it to the kids they got bad reactions.

    good luck!
  10. ronee75

    ronee75 Well-Known Member

    glad to hear they're getting better! changing over to milk could be the issue, but look at other foods too for possible allergic reactions. my daughters both just went through almost an entire month of diarrhea-like diapers and therefore, sore tushies! after speaking with the dr, and doing some trial and error, i discovered that it was all the fruit they were eating causing the issues. they told me that the milk was actually a binding beverage so it was ok, but that the fruit juice had to go too. so i cut back the fruit big time and tried more starches and carbs and it finally worked after a few days and then they were't sore any more. but when they were sore i used a jock itch cream (dr said to get it) because of the potential yeast issues and also some neosporin on the leg/cheek parts. also, desitin is the best!!
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