Helllllp, OMG the Whinning!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kerrmommy, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Its not my Twins, but I am hoping you supermoms can help me before they start this stage. My DS, age 2y/o spends each night in a stage constant whinning/crying. He is still a little behind on his vocab so I know that is a big part of the problem. But he wants stuff I will not give him or give in to him, (more fruit snacks, a different einstien for the 4th time, my lap which one of the girls has etc....) just as soon as I get him settled about one thing, its something else.

    This will all begin before I have even had a chance to start some fun activity one-on-one as I usually have to at least get thier coats off before I can do that. Not teething, has had snacks, has milk, no illness etc...

    Tonight, for example, it has been since 4, its 6:30 now. I have done 1-2-3, ignored it(mostly this), put him in his T/O spot, whispered to him, praised his sisters for good behavior and had fun with them, nothing works. Right now I have left him alone so he can fuss it out, and maybe I will be able to go play with him for a little bit before bedtime.

    Please help, I absolutly dread my evenings and most of the time I am on my own at night...I have a pounding headache from all of this. Its a nightmare!
  2. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Its not my Twins, but I am hoping you supermoms can help me before they start this stage. My DS, age 2y/o spends each night in a stage constant whinning/crying. He is still a little behind on his vocab so I know that is a big part of the problem. But he wants stuff I will not give him or give in to him, (more fruit snacks, a different einstien for the 4th time, my lap which one of the girls has etc....) just as soon as I get him settled about one thing, its something else.

    This will all begin before I have even had a chance to start some fun activity one-on-one as I usually have to at least get thier coats off before I can do that. Not teething, has had snacks, has milk, no illness etc...

    Tonight, for example, it has been since 4, its 6:30 now. I have done 1-2-3, ignored it(mostly this), put him in his T/O spot, whispered to him, praised his sisters for good behavior and had fun with them, nothing works. Right now I have left him alone so he can fuss it out, and maybe I will be able to go play with him for a little bit before bedtime.

    Please help, I absolutly dread my evenings and most of the time I am on my own at night...I have a pounding headache from all of this. Its a nightmare!
  3. yvonneinoregon

    yvonneinoregon Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I dont have any advice, other than Motrin/Ibuprofen/Tylenol as he could have some pain, therefore cranky. I just want to say YOUR NOT ALONE!

    The whining will put you/me/anyone in the looney bin! [​IMG]
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by yvonneinoregon:
    The whining will put you/me/anyone in the looney bin! [​IMG]

    I totally agree. DS has gotten to be like this lately. I swear he is going to drive me nuts! I have no advice, but you are definitely not alone.
  5. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    My DD went through this stage (sometimes still going through it). I would tell her one time "I don't understand whinese" and if she didn't stop, we'd tell her we'd be happy to talk to her when she was finished whining. I did find that ignoring her when she started doing that helped - when she didn't get that reaction out of me she realized what was the point of doing it? Worked sometimes - didn't other times. Not a lot of help, I know. It drives me bonkers!
  6. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    I'm sure I posted something similar when th e girls were that age. It was molars I think. Load them up with those teething tablets & some Motrin. Good luck & remember, there is nothing wrong with a drink before noon, if no one sees you drink it!
  7. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    OMG it drives me nuts!!!! I also have tried to ignore, praise the other children, put the whinner in time out, etc. NOTHING is working. The early evening is the worst (4-6) when I am also trying to make dinner. i think they want to make me go CRAZY!
    Sorry that I don't have any advice....but if you find something that works, share it.

    JODI AANENSON New Member

    All mine do is WHINE!!! 21 m/old b/g twins. They are not talking much at all but they sure have the whine down. They understand everything but just are not talking yet. Anyone else have constant whiners?? When will they talk? I have also tried everything with no luck. I quess we are all in the same boat but there has to be something that works. HELP the headache will not go away.
  9. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    WHen mine whine, I tell them that they can go get into bed and only get up when they have a Happy Heart. It really works with my dd. If she wakes up whiney I tell her that and it is an instant change.

    Like pp said, you are not alone!!!
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