Heating Playtex Bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by sylvia_a, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. sylvia_a

    sylvia_a Member

    We use Playtex bottles - I've been warming them in water, but it takes so long. especially at night (I make a days worth of bottles in advance and just heat them up). My sisters both used a microwave with their babies. The packaging states not to microwave but I'm not sure why - is this because the liners will potentially break? Or because of the harm microwaving causes plastics (which I've read on the internet is likely an urban myth). I'd like to switch if it's not harmful.

    Thanks -
  2. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I use the bottle warmer and set it at the disposable bottle/room temp setting. For those other posters...is there a reason this is bad? If so, tell me now because I have been doing it for a while.

  3. lsafer@pacbell.net

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I actually called Avent last week because I have a disposable Avent bottles. I wanted to know if I could use a bottle warmer. They said I could use an AVENT bottle warmer. They told me if I had any other bottle warmer, I had to call the company to see if it was okay. They were worried about it overheating the bottle if the brands did not match. I will call the Munchkin bottle warmer company today to see if it okay to mix with the Avent bottles.

    I know it's not good to microwave bottles due to HOT SPOTS. But it's also less and less desirable to heat plastic that way. I've read too much about plastics and microwaves being a bad combination so best to avoid it. Also, if you microwave breast milk (wasn't sure if you were heating formula or breast milk) then some of the enzymes are killed by the microwave.

    Hope that helps a little,
  4. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    i use the microwave on mine and have for oh about 4 months... they are fine, i take the nips off of them to do it.. i too do bottles ahead of time, make srue you test the temp of it before giving and once you find the right seconds to heat you are ready to go. I knock off the chill only... :)
  5. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I'd advice NOT to heat any plastics in the microwave. Too many studies have been done that show problems when heated at really high temps.

    Also you have to watch hot spots so if you do decide, shake vigorously!

    We've just been keeping a little crockpot on all the time and put the bottles in their. Works really well.
  6. iluvpugs44109

    iluvpugs44109 Well-Known Member

    Well with my first I NEVER did. But this time, I do. I watched my cousin heat a Dr. Browns bottle a few months ago in the micro and she is a pediatric's nurse at Rainbows. I couldn't believe it. But, she told me she used it for a few seconds to get the chill off and she shakes the heck out of it. So, if you are good about shaking the bottle well go for it. Because I now do it and it's better then hearing them cry for any longer then you have to.
  7. caba

    caba Banned

    Yeah, we always heat our dr browns in the microwave. Just learn your microwave. I don't heat it for long, just to take the chill off, then shake it like crazy. I usually get the bottles first, heat them, shake them, then let them sit while i change their diapers. This way i don't shake 'em all up and immediately stick them in their mouths. We've never had an issue.
  8. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    To save the time of heating bottles, I use the powdered formula and I have them made ahead of time and then just add the desirable warmth and amount of water. It saves time and it is cheaper than pre-made formula.
  9. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I started out using a bottle warmer but I just couldn't seem to get it right. Either it took too long when the babies were starving or I over-heated the milk/formula and ended up having to put it in cool water or the freezer for a minute. I switched to the microwave after a couple of months and found that much better. But last month my husband and I read an article suggesting that toxins from the plastic could potentially leach into the milk...which scared us. So, these days we used only formula no breast milk, and I just pour water into the bottles ahead of time and then shake in the powder when it's time to feed the babies. The bottles sit at room temp so they're perfect to serve, no warming necessary.
  10. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Whenever we give bottles, we heat up a plastic travel mug of water in the microwave, then warm the bottle in that. Only takes a couple minutes to get very warm - not like using warm water from the tap.
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