
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Too much is going on and there's nothing I can do. We had already had plans to change our carpet on the second floor. It's 18 years old and has had renters and a few other homeowners living on it before us. It's obvious that it was never changed. We also decided to paint the walls and the previous owners didn't clean them before us and there were scrapes and other holes on there. The color was not what we liked, but if it was in good shape, we'd have kept it longer. Our contractor is very thoughtful of our boys as he completely updated our first floor and got to know our boys very well. He's very good with them. He made sure their rooms were done in one day and the furniture was put back in exactly where they were before. Cameron does not like his new carpet, but Kiefer does. You can't win them all! I tried to ask the boys what they liked and they couldn't decide. They are only three, so no real answer was expected. Now, we are doing the master bedroom. Our furniture has taken over their play area and pretty much the entire space of the second floor. Nothing looks the same as they are used to seeing it. Cameron is able to deal with this change. Kiefer seems to find it fascinating, but that's not all that's changing in his life.

    At school, there is often a substitute watching them until their teachers arrive in the morning. They are generally used to that, but just about when construction started, one of their teachers (we'll call her Teacher 2) left for a new opportunity with hopes of returning to the school some day. So, there was another sub until they found a new teacher who just started today. There is another teacher (Teacher 1) that has been there since the boys started that class. For a while Kiefer liked her a lot. Since teacher 2 left, he said he doesn't think teacher 1 likes him. He wants a new one. He doesn't want to go to school anymore and has become a barnacle when I drop him off. The poor teachers have to peel him off of me when it's time for me to leave. Today, his new teacher who is replacing teacher 2 was there. She's very nice and I think Kiefer will like her once he gets to know her, but he gave her a few looks and started to wail. Teacher 1 told me this happens from time to time with different kids and they are going through many different things in their lives. He's likely just overwhelmed with all the changes.

    Kiefer has never been good at deal with new people and now with the stuff going on at home, it will be overwhelming for him. I just feel awful when I have to leave knowing he's crying and is so confused. The last few times he's been doing this, he's very happy when I pick him up. He'll boast about the stuff he did that day, sometimes even sin a song he learned to the best of his ability, and just seems like his normal, happy self. It's just dropping him off that's been really hard.

    Now, I haven't gotten much sleep so today I'm feeling emotional. I really came so close to just bringing Kiefer home with me. It'd been a mess if I did because of the construction going on here, but wow, that was hard.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :( Poor mommy and poor kiddo. Can you call in a little while and see how he is doing? :hug:
  3. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My son has been doing this to me at daycare drop off lately, it is heartbreaking, but I think it may just be a phase of some seperation anxiety. :hug:
  4. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I just called the school and he's still having a hard time. I was thinking of picking him up, but the director said if it's what I think it is, then it's probably best he work through it. He's not sick so it's likely he's just going through a rough period. The teachers are working at getting him occupied in an activity and hope he's able to nap during naptime.

    I agree that it's probably best to let him stay. DH and I are already trying to think of fun things for him to do tomorrow at home at least. He's only in school Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays so it's his day off tomorrow.
  5. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Those days are SO hard! I cant lend much advice except to keep doing what you are doing and he will come around - I am sure. We have had to start getting the boys to bed earlier on the days they go to daycare - otherwise it is just a nightmare.
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Oh that is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do as a parent. When A&A were 3 they both reacted that way. I dreaded Tuesday's and Thursday's but they only went from 9-12 and i had to get some things done. They cried every time I dropped them off. This year they are fine and love to go!!
  7. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    He's getting himself back to normal. Today he only cried for about 10 minutes then cheered up. I'm just relieved he starting to get back to his happy self.
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