Head banging

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Brooklyne, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. Brooklyne

    Brooklyne Well-Known Member

    My 15 month old son throws his head back when he's frustrated. I'm worried he could hurt himself and the STARES I get when he does this are embarassing! He's such a sweet little boy in so many ways, but he does this head banging thing every now and then and I hate it. Is this a phase...anyone else's baby do this? Should I be worried?
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Jack does this in his high chair, and he will bang his head so hard I think he's going to hurt himself! He doesn't like being in his high chair, but that's the only place I'll feed him, so he's got to learn to accept it. I usually try to distract him with food (since he's in the high chair to eat) or give him a spoon to play with. But sometimes I have to sit there with my hand on the back of the chair so his head hits me instead of the chair. :( Luckily he's never done it in public (yet).

    Hoping it's just a phase....
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine did not do this out in public but they used to like banging their heads against the wall and giggling about it. I was terrified that they would hurt themselves but they never did. It was a phase for us and I just had to patient as they went through it. I would be like, "Can't we bang our heads on pillows? Why the wall?" Can't imagine what the neighbors thought was going on!
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    When we are out and Josh is bored, he will bang his head on the back of the stroller. I usually try to stop him by giving him his sippy cup or something to eat.

    About 2 months ago they would both go to the front screen door and bang their heads on the glass and laugh. I've tried putting my hand between their heads and the door but they then think it's a game and will hit their heads even harder. They would do it in their booster seats and even against the wall.

    They don't do as much now and I think it's just another phase. When they do it, I will try to redirect them with something else and that seems to help.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls' current favorite game is crawling into the wall repeatedly. :rolleyes:

    i've read that head banging is a "self-regulating behaviour" - more or less meaning that if it really hurt them, they wouldn't do it. hopefully this phase passes soon! :hug:
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls' current favorite game is crawling into the wall repeatedly. :rolleyes:

    i've read that head banging is a "self-regulating behaviour" - more or less meaning that if it really hurt them, they wouldn't do it. hopefully this phase passes soon! :hug:
  7. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    This weekend while visiting my parents, we slept on a mattress in the floor, Beckett rolled off and bumped his head, my mom saw him do this and clapped her hands and told him he was ok, immediately he started banging his head on the floor and looking up and laughing, then doing it over and over until I moved him. I guess he thought it was a game. He did this once before with DH. This has been our only head banging issue so I don't have any advice just wanted to share what my weird little one does.
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