Head banging & butting

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E&Msmom, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My LOs wil be 1 on friday. My DS has started head banging & butting things.
    If hes sitting in his high chair he will hit his head on the back of the chair behind him, he head butts his sister, and just this morning was crawling along head butting the floor!

    Is this normal behavior? What the heck is he doing? Sometimes he hurts himself and cries but generally its part of him playing and he goes on like nothings wrong...
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I don't know how normal it is, but my DS does this too. He thinks it's hilarious most of the time. His sister- not so much!
  3. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Both of my boys do it. Both will bang their heads against the wall, window and desk in the playroom. DS2 is bad to use his head to push DS1 out of the way and has been known to headbutt him to get somewhere he wants to go. I don't get it but figured since they both do it it was probably normal :)
  4. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Oh, boy! Mine do this ALL the time. Jack usually does it when he's upset. He will litterally bang his head as hard as possible on the floor....it must hurt. Ryan does it a lot more. He will come up to me or his brother and just head butt and there have been times where he's head butted me SO hard in the nose I thought I was going to pass out...I'm scared one day I will lose a tooth. I read that it's normal and that sometimes they have a hard time expressing themselves so this is how they do it. Also read that when they are teething they may do this to ease the pain. Either way, it's annoying and hurts me, him and his brother!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Its not only a boy thing. My DDs went thru a phase of doing that too (with the highchair especially). Thankfully they realized that ouch it hurts and don't do it anymore.
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls do this all the time as well!! :rolleyes:
  7. IdenticalBoysNewMom

    IdenticalBoysNewMom Well-Known Member

    I have a head-banger too, but he only does it in his crib before and after sleeping. It's been over a year now and the times I've talked to our pedi about it, she just said it's normal for some, and that he won't hit it hard enough to cause any damage (although he is rubbing a small bald spot on the back). She said he should grow out of it (but I don't remember a specific age- I'm thinking maybe once they're in toddler beds). It's very loud though and sounds horrible!
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Oh GOOD! You've all made me feel better! I was starting to wonder if I was raising a little vandal LOL
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    My guys all head but and some head bang when mad. It's basically a phase from about 2 til maybe 3.5? That's what I remember about John anyway.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It was a phase for us as well.
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