He won't sleep!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinboys07, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Jacob is driving me NUTS. We have company in from out of town, which is compounding my problem because it makes it very hard to do CIO, etc.

    Anyway, the kid will not sleep. 2 weeks ago, he suddenly dropped 3 hours of sleep from his routine. Formerly, it was 13 hours at night plus two 45 minute naps. Now, it's 11.5 hours at night and maybe 20 minutes at nap time, despite leaving him to cry for about an hour every time. Both kids' behavior is atrocious. I know the company (an adult couple w/ no kids) is a bit of a change for them, but they are low-key and not overly stimulating people. Plus, this started before they even arrived.

    Jack still gets plenty of napping in but is still showing effects from being woken up by his brother's crying at 5:30 am (usually closer to 7 am).

    I can't resolve to let him scream until 7 (morning CIO) because we have company sleeping on the other side of their wall. Once I get Jacob out of bed, Jack screams until I get him up, too. Company leaves today, but it's been a loooong week. I need my sweet, well-rested kids back!!! Why is it so hard to sleep?!?!!! I plan to set a schedule and wear my headphones quite often to drown out the crying until the CIO does its magic. I sure hope it works because I am about to lose my mind.

    Thanks for listening.
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Do you think maybe it's time to go down to one nap a day? I just started, even though they are only 12 months. My problem was that I would put them down after 3 hours of wake time, Jake would go down, but Josh would stay awake and talk the entire time. Then it was the reverse for the afternoon nap.

    So this past week, I've been putting them down at 11:00 and they will sleep for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. I was putting them to bed by 7:00, but now I put them down at 6:00 and they sttn until 7:00 the next morning. The first few days were rough with Jake trying to keep him up that extra hour but so far it's working.

    My goal is to get them to an afternoon nap, say around 1:00 so I will have the entire morning to do things with them.
  3. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I am sorry this is happening for you guys. Obviously I have no answers as you know I am trying to solve my own "3hr. window of missing sleep" no nap mystery. Hopefully one of us will figure it out soon!
  4. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    We had something like this in November, and I made the switch to 1 nap in early December. it's been AWESOME. We went from 2 possible naps a day (sometimes they slept, sometimes they cried and cried, or talked, or slept for 10 minutes and woke up...) to one solid 2-hour nap with about two-week's transition moving the nap from 10 to 12 to 1.

    The best part is that our evening and night weirdness got better very fast - stuff I thought wasn't related.

    I had a hard time making the switch because I thought one was ready for it and one wasn't, but the guy who WASN't crying through his naps made the switch more easily. They have been having a hard time in the afternoon (screaming fits while getting ready to go the park, but that's another post) and I may try an earlier nap and bed time for a bit to see if it makes a difference. Still, it's wonderful to have peace for 2 hours in the afternoon instead of that anxiety about whether they would sleep or not and whether they would ever. stop. crying.

    :hug: Good Luck! I hope no matter what's going on, it calms down as soon as your guests go home!
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