He was in HER crib after naptime

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hannah_willsmom, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. hannah_willsmom

    hannah_willsmom Well-Known Member

    This afternoon, DH and I heard a LOUD scream from the kids' room as they woke from their nap. It was Hannah. She was mad because Will was in her crib. Their cribs are side-by-side and he just climbed from his crib into hers. Hannah has a little musical turtle on her crib and he wanted to play with it, so he jumped over. Oh my goodness, I am so glad he made it into her crib and not straight down to the floor.

    I rushed to Babies R Us and bought crib tents. They didn't work with the type of cribs we have. So, I separated the cribs and took out the bumpers, got rid of the turtle and lined the floor with pillows.

    Should I put them in toddler beds?
  2. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]That recently happened to us. Michael crawled right into Mikayla's co-sleeper (we were on vacation at my mother's and Michael crawled from one co-sleeper to the next). They were both just standing there grinning up at me when I discovered them. In their room here at the house their cribs are far apart on opposite walls. I thought about putting them in toddler beds too, but did a poll on TS just a week ago.

    After a lot of research, opinions, poll results and discussing it with DH, we decided it is still too early to put them in toddler beds.

  3. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    My mom always tells stories about my brother climbing into my sister's crib (they are twins). Their cribs weren't even side by side and so she was always baffled by how he climbed in. We figure my sister must have helped. She said she tried many times to figure it out...she'd hear a thump and run to their room and my brother would already be in my sister's crib.
  4. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Awww how cute he wanted to play "with her." LOL :)

    I definitely think its too early for toddler beds. We switched my oldest at 2 and he had trouble with it even then.

    He will learn to get in and out of his crib and usually they learn without hurting themselves. If he is going to climb out you want to encourage him to do it the right way so he doesn't hurt himself. I would make sure there is a gate at the door or at the top of stairs (if you have them) to keep him from getting up at night and "running" away.
  5. sj3g

    sj3g Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, just a similar story. My grandma always told about how my dad and his twin (Jack and Jill--yes, those are their names, seriously!) used to rock their cribs across the room to get beside one another. She would go in to find them in the morning with side by side cribs. Then they could climb from one crib to another... They had hard wood floors, so it was certainly easier to do than on carpeted floors.

    We put our oldest in a real bed when she was 22 months. I'm just waiting for my Emma to attempt to climb out, as she's my little daredevil. I hadn't planned on moving the twins out before then. If you decide to do it, let us know how it goes. I'm curious.
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I did switch my older dd to toddler bed at around 19 months, and she did fine...but I think twins are a different thing... I switched my twins about a month ago. And the funny thing is that my ds always asks to go back in the crib. (we left one set up in his room for the new baby.) We don't indulge his request b/c we think it will just confuse him come November... Neither of them ever climbed out of their cribs. Maybe if he continues climbing out then you could switch him and not your dd?... At that age, I think you will be really interfering with naptime and nighttime sleep to put both of them in beds... it'll be that much easier for them to fight.
  7. LindyFrog

    LindyFrog Well-Known Member

    I think it is too early to put them in toddler beds...you will probably have a lot more problems, and a lot less sleep. Have you heard of Peapods? One step ahead sells them. We use them for naps (we separate them), but they are wonderful when we go away. they fold up to fit into a regular duffel bag and only way 5lbs. They actually fit in a regular crib. Basically, they are like little tents with an air mattress underneat, but the best thing is that they zip all the way up. They are about the same cost as the crib tents, but do double duty for travel. No more dragging along those huge heavy pacnplays. In hotels, it is so much easier to put to peapods on the bathroom floor, shut the door, and out to sleep they go. quiet, dark- and we can still watch tv or play with the oldest child.
    i highly recommend them!
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