He sounds scared!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Aeliza, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Cameron has been a decent sleeper for a long time. I'm sure he'll go back to being a good sleeper, but wow, it's getting hard to put him to bed now. For three nights in a row, he just screams bloody murder. Last night wasn't as bad, but he was still very upset. The first night once we left the room, he just got up and screamed in a panic. Tonight, I just walked him into his room. We were all just saying goodnight as we usually do and he looked around the room and started to dry. He never had a problem with his room before. Something sounds like he's scared of his room now. He's used to the sound machine. He's had that on ever since he was about 3 months old. I sang him the same song as usual, and there's a little light on so he's not completely in the dark. Nothing has changed. He's just in a panic.

    I believe in crying it out. The first night we tried the go in five minutes, then ten, then 15 up until it was about in 20 minutes. We let him cry it out on his own. Last night, he stopped crying after 5 minutes and only had a couple of episodes of tears through the night but he mostly soothed himself. One time he couldn't find his lovey, but once he had it, he went back to sleep. Tonight, it's panic time all over again. He sounds like he's feeling tortured. I know he's coming down with a little cold. I hope that it's not a bad cold. He's prone to getting laryngitis as he's gotten that twice. Him screaming liek this is certainly not helping that if he is losing his voice. SO far, he doesnt' sound any different.

    My question is, could this be something else? He's not running a fever. He's happy during the day. He's been a little whiny lately, but it's usually because his brother tends to take things away from him so he does cry a bit more. They do love to play together though, and he's really been a happy boy otherwise. Do you think his room is scaring him? Normally we say goodnight to all the animals in his room, and he'll wave to them and say Byebye to them happily. All the animals in his crib kiss him goodnight which he responds by taking their paws or fins and shaking them like he was shaking hands to say hello or goodbye. I couldn't do that tonight cause he was too upset. He wouldn't sit still. He didn't even want to hear me sing which he may not completely listen to (probably a good thing) but it's part of his nighttime routine and it seems to help usually. Is this just a phase? Is it a developmental phase he's going through?

    Gah!, it's so hard to listen to. He's been crying for half an hour non-stop so far. He seems to want to calm down, but can't. I hate not going in there, but I know if I do, it's not going to stop at all! Sigh, he did have some gas before I left. I wonder if he did mess his diaper. I don't know what to do.... Ahh well, I guess I'm in for a long night!
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member


    Mine went through some sleep difficulties when I returned to work in August (they were 19.5 months). I found that if I went in there and quietly laid on the floor (I always bring my pillow in so I can be comfy, lol) - they usually lay right back down and are asleep within 5 minutes. It hasn't caused them to wake up more frequently or anything - but it does help on those random nights when they, for whatever reason, aren't sleeping well.

    I did spend an hour on the floor tonight b/c both boys have a cold and fevers and Finley had a really hard time falling asleep. :( It seems to give them the comfort they need and still keeps them in their cribs instead of me getting them out and holding them.

    Good luck, whatever you do!! :hug:
  3. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    It's interesting you mentioned that. I suggested to DH that I sleep in his room until he calms down. he might feel comforted that way. There is a twin bed in there as well and they do sleep in separate rooms cause they don't sleep well together. He didn't think it was a good idea. He was afraid it would distract him too much. I might try that tomorrow if he doesn't want to go to bed again. He didn't show any signs of a cold until tonight so i don't think it was due to his cold. It could be a dream spooked him maybe and now he doesn't want to go to bed anymore? I just wish I knew why he's suddenly so panicked when going to bed.

    Either way, I may try that. Thank you!
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I think it's common to have some phases in their sleep like that at diffent times in their life. I know mine have (so I hope it's normal). I too believe in CIO, but I have to say that when they do act so differently than their norm I do go in. Whether that is rubbing their backs for a few mins, extra hugs, etc. it tells me that something is off and they need me. That age is so hard b/c a lot of times they don't have the expressive language to tell you what's going on. Just keep the bedtime routine consistent and hopefully it's short-lived. My other thought is he might have an ear infection. Does he have trouble with naps or just bedtime? I know when mine get an ear infection, it always seems WAY worse at night. Hang in there, it's so hard when we don't know what's wrong.
  5. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    today was the first time I heard him have any trouble at naptime, but it took all of 3 minutes for him to calm himself down. When Kiefer had an ear infection he'd calm the moment he was upright. He'd cry when laying him down. I assume because of the pressure in his ear. Cameron has been crying regardless of his position. Tonight, he just cried the moment he realized it was bedtime. I just walked in the room! I hadn't even started the routine yet. He looked scared in his face. It's really not like him.

    After I replied to Jori, he woke up again in a panic. I decided to give that idea a whirl. It started the same, I laid him down, he was crying, he got up as soon as I left his crib. However, he then saw me lay down on the bed near his crib. He stopped crying. Once he was convinced I was staying, he laid down again. Actually it was more of a thump. He laid down hard!! I think he was just really tired. He did peer up a couple of times to look at me, but he continued to lay down a second later. He adjusted to a more comfortable position after a while. After about 10 minutes, I got up and left. His face was unfortunately facing the door, but I gave it an attempt anyhow. The light in the hallway (it was light from the loft...the hallway light is off) was enough to wake him. However, he only whined. I left the room thinking I was going to have to return to lay down some more, I wanted to lower the loft light where DH was sitting working on his computer knowing I'd have to open the door again, but Cameron went quiet again. He must have been so tired by that time that he didn't fully wake up when I left. I hope he stays sleeping through the night. Thank you so much, Jori, for that great idea! It really did seem to calm him down. I think this is something I will continue to try on nights he's not acting like himself. I've heard him cry out of frustration before...the kind that says he doesn't want to sleep and wants to stay up to play. That wasn't the cry he was giving these past three nights. Maybe it does help him that I'm there during his nights when he sounds more afraid like this!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD did the same thing when she was around the age of your son. We had no idea what was causing her distress, her diapers were okay and she was feeling fine. I don't even think she had teeth coming in. DH and I did the same thing as Jori, we read to her at night and we also put a brighter night light in her room. Eventually she started to sleep normally and self soothe better. I am glad you had a better night last night!
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Eliza, I'm so glad your night went better! :hug: Did he sleep all night?

    I found that to work only by accident. After soothing and rocking one of my boys to sleep one looooong night in late August and him waking up for the 5th time in just a few hours and knowing I had to get up and go to school the next morning to a classroom of kids, I just carried my pillow in and grabbed a nice, cozy comforter and laid down on the floor. To my surprise, he laid back down and peacefully drifted off to sleep! I was shocked and really happy! It has been what I do now whenever they wake up distressed. It happens maybe 3 or 4 times a month - and I'm glad to give them comfort during those times. I'm jealous that you have a bed in there! The floor gets awfully hard some nights! :lol:
  8. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Actually, it did!!! I too was amazed. He did have a couple of small cries in the middle of the night, but I think he was talking in his sleep. He was still asleep! This afternoon he didn't fuss at all for his nap. Things are looking up! He definitely has a cold now though and Kiefer is sneezing like crazy. Which means, his nose will be running any minute now!

    Either way, Cameron did sleep well last night. He slept a good long time too! He went to bed at around 9:50pm (I know..late!!! and stayed awake for a while after that crying which is when I tried CIO and then Jori's suggestion) and he woke up around 10:20am!! I'm hoping he takes a long nap. That should help him get over his cold quicker.
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