He needs to be rocked to sleep all the time!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Ashliemj, May 2, 2008.

  1. Ashliemj

    Ashliemj Active Member

    Hello Everyone,
    My boy twin is having difficulty falling asleep unless he's in his swing or being rocked. I can't always hold him or rock him. Any suggestions? This is so frustrating! He cries as soon as I put him down!!!!
  2. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    do you still swaddle him? if not try to swaddle him again. he just needs comfort. My DD in the beginning would need to be put to sleep rocking also so i would put her in the swing to fall asleep then put her to bed. sometimes the only way i could get her to sleep was in the swing. i felt bad about leaving her in there but it was the only way she would get some sleep. it does get better as they get older hang in there.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Definitely try the swaddle. What about car seat or bouncy seat? Up until about 4 months, I let my girls nap/sleep anywhere they needed to.
  4. ssbard

    ssbard Well-Known Member

    My advice (non-expert of course) is to go with the rocking for a while if necessary. He is still very young and needs to feel comforted and secure. I still had to rock mine for all naps and everything until they were over 8 months old and I could barely lay them down at all or they would wake up. We started sleep training around 8 months. Although we have rough days, they now take most of their naps in their cribs and sleeping at night is going much better. I know you may not have the time or ability to rock all the time--but enjoy the chance because they won't be this small for very long. You are also setting the stage for creating secure, calm children.
  5. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member


    I agree the best advice I got on here was to let them sleep wherever they want for the first 4 months. If he wants to sleep in the swing for days on end, let him for your sanity. We let them sleep on our chests at night and the swings and bouncy chairs for weeks before they even went anywhere near the crib. Arjun used to have these awful fits and we would swaddle him up and then roll blankets around him and put him in his bouncy chair and he would finally settle down. I think they are still wanting the 'womb' environment and we had to recreate that.

  6. iluvpugs44109

    iluvpugs44109 Well-Known Member

    You got some pretty good advice here. The most important thing I can say is SWADDLE, SWADDLE, SWADDLE!!! Even if you think they don't like it. They really do. I swaddled then thought they didn't (because I didn't swaddle them tight enought) so I was at my wits and at about the 10th week. I started swaddling again and didn't stop until almost 4 months old. They loved it when mommy did it right. It was wonderful when I figured it out. Also, everyone told me to let them sleep wherever they will sleep. Best advise.
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Our's are 4 months old (3 mos. adjusted) and they have to be rocked to sleep for most of their naps. It does get frustrating when there are other things to do (I have a 3-year-old) - but I try to enjoy the moment as I know that I will blink my eyes and they'll be my son's age - going to sleep on their own, not needing to be all cuddled up with their mama to feel safe, secure and sleepy.

    Hang in there! He'll get better about sleeping soon.
  8. rssumme

    rssumme Active Member

    I rocked the ever-lovin' stew out of mine back then. I only became worried about rocking when they were around 9 months old. I started feeling like I was being taken advantage of in a sense.

    But when they were so little, I lived in the rocker.

    I know this doesn't help. My point is that at that age, they are not in jeopardy of being spoiled by rocking.

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