He keeps taking his diaper off!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RondaJo, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. RondaJo

    RondaJo Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=12pt]DS is constantly taking all of his clothes and his diaper off. (We are working on potty training, which is going very slowly.) More often than not when he takes his diaper off he ends up peeing on the floor. I'm getting very frustrated. How do I get him to keep his diaper/clothes on? Last night out at my mom she duct taped around his diaper so he couldn't get it off. But I hate to keep doing that, because that makes it so much harder to get it off for me. I know this is a phase, but I can't have him doing it. He will go potty in the potty chair if I take him in. But I don't always have the chance to take him in because I'm dealing with the twins. I don't allow him to have access to the bathroom without me because he just makes a mess. :help:
  2. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    How about putting his diaper on backward?
  3. matwetwins

    matwetwins Well-Known Member

    I ran into this problem in Sept and I talked to parenting/potty training expert about it and she said to back off the potty training for at least a few months. I did and within a few days the removing of the diaper stopped. However when it was going on I duct taped their diapers on. I put the seam at the back where they couldn't reach it and overlapped the tape a tad. Good Luck
  4. Three boys over here

    Three boys over here Active Member

    I went through this with the twins FOREVER! I would go in their room and their beds, floor, walls, and themselves would be covered in poop :(

    I bought wide masking tape (easier to get off than duct tape) and taped their diapers in the front from hip to hip so they couldnt get the tabs off. That worked for a while.

    Good luck!
  5. cantwait2bmom

    cantwait2bmom Well-Known Member

    I've also had to resort to duct taping my ds' diaper on him during naptime. Interestingly he doesn't take it off when he wakes up in the morning, only during his naptime.

    The duct tape has worked amazing well so far.

  6. Twin squared

    Twin squared Well-Known Member

    WE used duct tape for nearly one year with our twin daughters....and yet with my more mischievous son, we have never had to use it.
    DUCT TAPE...cures all.
  7. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(matwetwins @ Apr 22 2007, 03:08 AM) [snapback]229685[/snapback]
    I ran into this problem in Sept and I talked to parenting/potty training expert about it and she said to back off the potty training for at least a few months. I did and within a few days the removing of the diaper stopped. However when it was going on I duct taped their diapers on. I put the seam at the back where they couldn't reach it and overlapped the tape a tad. Good Luck

    I would suggest backing off potty training for awhile as well until life is more relaxed with the twins. I also agree with putting on the diaper backwards. HTH!
  8. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    I swear I either have evil children or geniuses...or a combination of the two...because
    We've tried putting the diapers on backwards
    putting diapers on backwards with duct tape just over the tabs
    putting diapers on backwards with duct tape all the way around

    and have finally figured out that we don't need duct tape or backwards diapers...just have to put the onesie OVER the pants...
    they have to be wearing both a onesie and pants/shorts in order to not take their diapers off....and so far (knock on wood) it is working.
  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Duct tape and scissors were my best friend during that phase. It was fairly short for us and then we went back to leaving them on with no problems.
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