He is OBSESSED with sports

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Angie26, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Please tell me that I don't have a weird 2 year old. Example....Monday night DH and I were watching Monday night football. He will look at the TV and then act like he is playing football and yelling football and touchdown. He then will go and tackle his sister repeatedly until she cries (she thinks it is funny the first few times). He then got up on my lap and DH and turned to the Red Sox game and flipped back to football, you would have thought it was the end of the world. He cried until DH turned it back to Baseball. he wouldn't move and everytime they hit the ball he would scream base ball.

    Fast forward to today.....My mother and I are sitting in a resturant and Kelby could see the t.v that must have been on ESPN. It would flip between baseball, football, and basketball. Everytime it changed sports he would scream...... Basketball....Baseball.. you get the point.

    Outside he will throw up a ball and try to hit it with his bat, of course he misses he then drops the bat and runs and then he will act like he is sliding. In the meantime he will tackle Kaylee and kinda combine the 2 sports.

    So tell me is there any other kids out there or am I in trouble.
  2. nkirk

    nkirk Well-Known Member

    That's funny! My son is like that as well. He turned two in September. I live in Canada and hockey is really big here. My husband and him watch hockey every night and my son yells things like "get the puck in the net!" etc... It's funny, but I hate watching sports! Luckily we've got another TV. I actually signed up my son for a class here called "sportball" that he really loves. They teach a bunch of 2-3 year olds basic sports moves and their caregivers follow them around and make sure they don't get into trouble. It's pretty cute, but it's tiring me out running after him cause he's so fast!
  3. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    Mine turned 2 in Sept, as well. He is obsessed with football. The first thing he says when he sees me in the morning is, "Mommy! Football game?" He has a small, soft football that he throws all day long (to me, to sis, at the door...) and he steals a purple purse of his sisters and puts it on his head and calls it his football helmet. Every time he sees something orange and black he starts yelling "football" (we live near Cincinnati and the Bengals are DH's team). For no reason at all he will just start babbling about football, football games, tigers (my high school's team that my sister's boyfriend plays for), and football helmets. DH is already planning his NFL career.
  4. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Garrett loves football & golf..... he likes other sports too, but he's seen his brother play enough sports that he knows he wants to be out there on the field as well!!
    We couldn't go to my son's baseball games last Spring, b/c Garrett didn't understand why he couldn't be out on the field "playing" with his brother & Dad!!
  5. DeLana

    DeLana Well-Known Member

    I think being obsessed with something is typical for 2-year-olds. My son is absolutely obsessed with trucks (on the other hand, he couldn't care less about all the cute baseball outfits I bought him; he has to wear something with a truck on it!) My daughter, meanwhile, is obsessed with kitties (wonder if that's because we have 7 cats?)

    I think it's cute that you have little sports fans - ds just hasn't been exposed to it yet because dh hasn't seen the first football game this year (part of the reason: he works every weekend). Somehow, ds has learned to tackle his sister without any formal exposure to football!

    DeLana :D
  6. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my boys. I have one that likes to act out the games (since age 2 and still now at age 4). I have one that has been obsessed with playing anything sports related since 2. He begged for a "BIG" basketball hoop for Christmas when he was 2. It was so cute he thought Santa only brought it for Christmas day and the next day it would be gone.
  7. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    Both of my boys have been into everything sports related for a while now. For the last two hockey seasons, they can name all of the players on the San Jose Sharks hockey team. They also know how to play hockey and know lots of the rules. They play hockey on a daily basis (they got little kid hockey sticks last Christmas). They also are into football, basketball, golf, soccer and play them as well.

    I think that it is fine for kids to be into sports, even at a young age.
  8. Jberman

    Jberman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(micheleinohio @ Oct 27 2007, 08:16 PM) [snapback]470002[/snapback]
    He begged for a "BIG" basketball hoop for Christmas when he was 2. It was so cute he thought Santa only brought it for Christmas day and the next day it would be gone.

    That is soo cute!!
  9. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    My son wears a Patriots shirt everyday that he sleeps in his big boy bed! When football is on, he runs, gets his football, turns his ballcap backwards and proceeds to throw for first downs all over my living room. I love it! :D
  10. Angie26

    Angie26 Well-Known Member

    Well thank god he is not the only sports fanatic!! DH absolutely loves it and I really think it is cute, but man I thought I had a kid with some issues... :lol: DH keeps telling Kelby to get more into baseball because he can make more money when he turns pro.....I think he as well is planning Kelby's professional career.
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