He has ZERO patience with them...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is now two hours after I originally started this post...but I'm going to type away anyways!

    Anyone else have a dh/SO that has zero to little patience with the twins? I am a SAHM, so I am used to the crying, whining, etc. I just either ignore it, deal with it, or distract them from whatever it is bothering them. I try to redirect them from whatever got them upset. Dh? Not quite understanding. He doesn't take into consideration if they got up early, took a short nap, or the major issue-mommy just had a baby, I'm trying to b/f, and that takes a lot of my time up!

    I feel horrible that I can't just jump down on the floor and play with them(I had a c/s). Or pick them up whenever I feel like it. Or twirl them around in circles(a new favorite!). DH isn't as hands on as I would like him to be at times. I was trying to b/f which is frustrating in itself, and had to listen to Nicholas scream and cry for 20 minutes(dh yelled at him for dropping food on the floor). I told him to take him outside-SOMETHING as I was feeling horribly guilty I couldn't go and comfort him, or get his mind off of what was bothering him. DH eventually went and read them a book, but the whining started up shortly thereafter.

    I don't know if any of this is coherent! It's just something that tends to bother me. DH has been home all week long, and hasn't done too much with the boys. I wish he would. Granted it's rained most of the week-but there's playdoh, baking, coloring, painting, etc etc. I know I am no supermom either. I guess now that I am on the other side and can see things differently, it breaks my heart they are not getting as much activity time/interaction as I would like them to get.

    On another side however, they have been playing relatively well together, laughing and giggling around the house-which is just amazing to watch and see! :)

    So-anyone else have a short tempered dh/so? How do you deal with it? Or do you ignore it? I've tried talking to him about it. He's a bear when he doesn't get enough sleep(boys were up other morning at 5:30am...add to that a week old infant...). I guess I just have more patience than he. That or I am just oblivious to it all!
  2. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I don't know anything about husbands, but I understand your side of it! I tested positive for swine flu last Sunday, I have not been able to play with the girls all week, haven't been able to touch them, snug them, bathe them, feed them, NOTHING! I should not have even been in the same room with them!

    Congrats again! And Happy 20mo birthday to the boys! Hope you are feeling well, and Good Luck with the bf'ing!
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jun 19 2009, 08:46 PM) [snapback]1361359[/snapback]
    I don't know anything about husbands, but I understand your side of it! I tested positive for swine flu last Sunday, I have not been able to play with the girls all week, haven't been able to touch them, snug them, bathe them, feed them, NOTHING! I should not have even been in the same room with them!
    Congrats again! And Happy 20mo birthday to the boys! Hope you are feeling well, and Good Luck with the bf'ing!

    Yikes on the swine flu! I hope you are on the mend!! But yes-just like you I can not do much with them and it tears me apart! Happy 20 months to your girls as well! The next 4 months are going to fly by-I just know it-and we'll be celebrating another birthday. Craziness!

    And thanks for the luck on the b/fing...at this rate I really need it!
  4. mexicomommy

    mexicomommy New Member

    And I thought I was the only one with a DH who has no patience... My problem is reversed. My DD is 3 and the twin DD are 18mo. I am a working mom (own my own business). The oldest is constantly vying for my attention and doesn't understand that the babies need mommy a liitle more than she does. When I solicit help from my DH he huffs and makes a half A** effort to help, but usually only makes it worse.

    For me, I just suck it up and deal with it with as much patience as possible.

    Congrats on your new baby and good luck!
  5. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Oh I feel your pain! My DH has ZERO patience and his solution for everything is put them in the crib they need a nap! I aslo am a sahm and they follow a sched. This means nap is at 12:30 and they will sleep sometimes to 3 well, when he is home and if they are the least bit fussy they can go down for a nap anytime between 11:15-12:00 which means they only sleep til say maybe 1:30-2 at the latest. He can't stand the whinning and I learn to block it out. Sorry to vent to you but, I'm scared when our new baby comes the his patience level will get shorter. I've tried talking with him but, he acts like I'm overracting. So, I can't really offer too much advise to you accept I really understand what you are going through!
    Good Luck with DH and congrats again on the new baby!
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: YOu are all adjusting to having a new baby at home! I bet he will become more patient as he adjusts to it and it will get easier for all of you.
  7. sbailey

    sbailey Well-Known Member

    I TOTALLY know where you are coming from! My DH is the same way. I just ignore it b/c I have a 7 year old little boy and he is great with him. I think as they get older your dh will get better. When they are older, they are not as "scary" and they can talk. I think some men just get nervous around babies b/c babies can't "tell" them what they need. It will get better. :) Good Luck!!!

    Congrats on the new baby!!!! Don't be so hard on yourself. I am sure you're doing great!!!! Drink tons of coffee!!! :)
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