Having trouble finding play groups

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newlife@40, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. newlife@40

    newlife@40 Member

    Our twins are almost a year old. I have had difficulty arranging play dates because: my friends/family all have older children; my husband is working part time and home with the kids during the day so they aren't in daycare; we don't live in a track where there are lots of neighbors (the only neighbors I have nearby are a retired couple and a bachelor.)

    I've been trying to catch up with the local MOM's club but I'm not too hopeful because their website says they are mostly for sahm. Not sure if they'll be willing to work with my DH. The twins spend lots of time playing together as well as with family. Once they are 2 I can take them to story time at the library, I'm saving up to join the YMCA for swiming classes as a family, but right now my options seem limited. We do go out to the park, mall, children's museum and the kids are very happy. Has anyone else had this problem? I know it will get easier as they get older I just worry that they should have more chances to socialize with other kids.
    Thanks for any suggestions or advice!
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I did a playgroup with my older DD for a year but I have not done one with the twins. Not for lack of looking for one, just couldnt find anything.

    I take them everywhere. They get a wide range of daily experiences, interactions, and socialization. I am content with that. Once they walk logistics are easier. At least it was for me.
  3. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I think before 2 or 3 it's really more for the parents than the kids personally, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I signed up for playdate at my MOMs club too but still haven't found a match, but frankly when you're on two naps it's a pain anyway, I try to sneak out between both naps when it's not too cold out but we always all come back hungry and it's just a pain. I'll wait until they're at one nap a day before looking personally. Honestly mine are just as happy staying home as going out.
  4. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I too think at this age its more for ME than it is for them! I do think they enjoy seeing the sites when we go on outings but they could really care less if their are other kids. T

    I do however do playdates. At our MOMs club we always welcome dads but RARELY do we get any!
    We've met our "friends" through Le Leche League, mine/dhs work, the MOMs group, etc.

    Do you guys have a community resource center? Have you checked the library for other groups or for reading for under 2? Our library has " mother moose" which is for kids 2 and UNDER.
  5. mel&3

    mel&3 Well-Known Member

    Try meetup.com ... they list a no. of different interest-related groups in each area and allow you to "browse" and selct groups you like to appply for. For ex., I know our area has a Working Mother group, etc. Check it out, it's a great site.
  6. newlife@40

    newlife@40 Member

    Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts. I'll check out the website and maybe see if the next town over has a wider variety of programs at their library. Meanwhile they are happy kids and we do get out lots-I just always want to do more for them-ya know what I mean? I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Thanks again:)
  7. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My first playgroup with the girls I found from joining a music together class and becoming friendly with 2 of the other moms. Then I joined in their weekly playgroups. I was also taking my girls to storytime at our local barnes and noble. First few times I had them stay in the stroller. (they were around a year old). Then I started to let them sit on the floor.
  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I would attempt the library
    see if there is a kids play area at the malls --- even the simple stuff would still get them around other kids
    invite a singleton over even if they are a bit older or younger
    any community play groups like where you get the babies weighed ?

    at least give the mutiple birth group a chance to see if it would work out with dh we had a guy at our singleton mothers group.
  9. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Check yahoo groups too. That is where I found the play group I am with. :)

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