Having to stop BFing

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by smiley_ca1, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. smiley_ca1

    smiley_ca1 Well-Known Member

    I've been on Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle and Domperidone since just before they were 6w. My Dom has been upped to 4pills 4 times per day. I tried EBFing for 2 weeks. Then I realized that they weren't pooping (okay normal for BF babies), but more importantly, they weren't getting 6+ heavy wet diapers a day. In fact the only "heavy" wet diaper was the one after they woke up over night (10pm to 8am with no diaper change), but even that wasn't as heavy. They could go over 2 nursing sessions and not need a diaper change. When I started realizing this, and my DD wasn't gaining much weight, I decided to stop being selfish and to just quit. I now am a pump-a-holic again. I can't pump enough for exclusive EBM bottles for both of them, so I give them 50/50 bottles. They are now having enough wet diapers, pooping, and most importantly they seem happier... They are more alert, talkative, and generally happy. I feel that for me, it was the better decision than to keep going. I tried so hard and overcame so many obstacles (with non-latching DS til 5.5w and DD til 4.5w). I ate well, drank an ocean each day, fed tandem every 2 hours and pumped, but my supply would just never get to where it needed to be. I blame the early days and my stupid PCOS.

    IT is with mixed feelings, but with little regret that we are where we are now. I was so determined to make it work, but my stupid body wouldn't agree.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry you had to do this, but I commend you for watching for signs & acting on them! :bow2: I'm glad they are happier! They are STILL getting the benefits of your breastmilk since you are pumping! :hug99: I understand your disappointment though! Hang in there! You're doing great!
  3. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry that it didn't work out the way you'd hoped! That must be so frustrating and disappointing. But you did a really amazing job of 1) trying everything under the sun to make it work and 2) noticing the signs that your babies needed a change. :bow2:

    And it's great that you're still pumping for them! Even if it's 50/50, or even 25/75, they are still getting lots and lots of the most perfect food on earth, plus tons of your antibodies! You are doing a wonderful job for those babies! :clapping:
  4. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry it iddn't work out! You did your best though and they really benefited fromyour hard work! Plus they are still getting all that good stuff when you pump!

    Don't be hard on yourself! You did a great job!
  5. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I was in a similar situation (16 dom a day, the whole shebang) as you but what I did was maintain 1 breast feeding session a day - it kept that bond and also gave me the possibility of breastfeeding later when they were sick or really needed the comfort. It has come in very handy.
    Think about it.
  6. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you are doing the right thing for your babies. I, too, ended up supplementing with my girls. I fought it so much, but I could tell they weren't getting enough from me. I didn't try to Dom. like you did for various reasons (my own health issues), but I did try a lot of other things. My girls weren't having properly wet diapers either. From about 4 to 6 months I mostly pumped with a couple nursing sessions/day and did about 50/50. Then at 6 months I worked on getting them to nurse more and was able to cut back on pumping to just once per day. Later, as they were starting solids and cutting back a bit on their formula/breastmilk intake I was able to cut the formula down to 8 oz. per day and that's what we're doing now! Keep up the good work!
  7. smiley_ca1

    smiley_ca1 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for showing me other options that I can still stay with. I like the idea of working in one nursing session per day. Also, of adding in more when they are on solids too. Thanks again.

    I am trying so hard. I didn't just try nursing for 2 weeks like my previous post sounds. I'd been BFing since 4.5 weeks, and working up to EBFing... So BFing for 2 months. I will try to add in another session. It's been 5 days now and I miss them, but they are doing so much better, and are less cranky babies.
  8. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    I also supplement my girls. I absolutely did not want to, but it really is the best thing for me and my girls. I BF one baby and formula feed the other and at the next feeding I switch babies. I pump at work and send 2 bottles of breast milk with them to day care. This could also be an option for you. Good luck in whatever works out for you.
  9. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    You are a super great mom!
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