Having to go back to CIO after being sick

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, May 17, 2009.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    First it was rotavirus, now Jake has a double ear infection and chest congestion which requires a nebulizer. During the day, I can tell he's feeling a lot better and is in no pain. Laying down no longer bothers him. He get's antibiotics and motrin about an hour before his nap and bedtime-enough time for it to kick in.

    When I try to put them down for a nap or at bedtimes, I lay him down and he'll close hiis eyes. About 5 minutes later he's standing up at the end of the crib which is near the door and screams until I come in and lay him back down. Same thing happens; he'll lay back down and close his eyes and is quiet. This may last 5 minutes or 5 hours. Last night he fell asleep after the 3rd time of me going in and laying him down at 6:30 . He woke at 11:00 crying and I had to go back in there 2 times. He woke at 5:30 this morning and again I went in there for fear of waking Josh. That did not work and they both were up at 6:00. I've tried to wait and he just screams louder and louder until I can't take it anymore and I'll go in there and lay him down Except for the first time, I say nothing to him.

    He would wake in the middle off the night and could put himself back to sleep within a minute or two. Now, I have to go in there and lay him back down or else he'll scream and wake up Josh.

    I think he's gotten used to me going in there because he was sick and now that he's better, he wants me to keep doing it and he knows I'll come back.

    Do you think I should go back to CIO? I don't know what else to do.
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    When I discussed how to do CIO with the pediatrician awhile back, she mentioned you may need to do it all over again periodically, particularly after an illness. But it is usually never as bad as the first time around was. As long as you're sure he's feeling better, I would try it for a few days.

    I've got to break my son of his night wakings again, but have been putting it off for a couple months now. He is having eye surgery tomorrow, so after I know he's ok from that I'll have to start working on it again. Not looking forward to it.

    Good luck!
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cjk2002 @ May 17 2009, 03:32 PM) [snapback]1316982[/snapback]
    I've tried to wait and he just screams louder and louder until I can't take it anymore and I'll go in there and lay him down

    This is it, right here. He knows that if he keeps it up you'll come in. If you know he's okay, I'd just leave him to figure it out. If the other wakes up from it, he'll also learn that it's not time to get up just because brother is crying. Stick to it and in a few days they'll both be sleeping just fine.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Yup. We have to do a little CIO after illness, after vacations, after any sleep disturbances. It usually only takes a couple nights, but those nights are awful. GL and I'm glad to hear they are feeling better. :hug:
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ktfan @ May 17 2009, 11:14 AM) [snapback]1317020[/snapback]
    This is it, right here. He knows that if he keeps it up you'll come in. If you know he's okay, I'd just leave him to figure it out. If the other wakes up from it, he'll also learn that it's not time to get up just because brother is crying. Stick to it and in a few days they'll both be sleeping just fine.

    Yes, I know that. These past few weeks with them being sick I just wanted them to go back to bed and I knew I'd pay for it later. I put them down for their nap over 30 minutes ago and he is still screaming bloody murder.

    I've already cleaned up outside, vacumed out the car and a few other things so I did not have to listen to him.

    If he ever goes down, after they wake I was going to get some flowers to plant when they go to bed so I won't have to listen to him scream tonight.

    There is no place in my house that I can't hear him. At least the windows are not opened. I could just hear my neighbors now. :rolleyes:
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ May 17 2009, 12:28 PM) [snapback]1317034[/snapback]
    Yup. We have to do a little CIO after illness, after vacations, after any sleep disturbances.

    We've done the same. It definitely doesn't take as long as the first time. :hug:
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    45 minutes and still screaming. I'm trying to stay strong but it's so hard. It has been so long since I've had to do this with him and it's driving me crazy.
  8. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain! My kids have been sick pretty much constantlly since Dec. & just when they get better, we've had to do CIO again to get them sleeping well. It really sucks & I HATE hearing them scream & cry. But I just remind myself that this is for the best & that this will help them get some good quality sleep. I try doing something else while they're crying though---washing dishes, folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher. That helps keep me sane during this! Good luck to you!
  9. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I just don't know what to do. After an hour of screaming, I went in there and laid him down (yes I know, big mistake). He went right to sleep for 1 1/2 hours. He woke a little after 3:00 cryiing and I have been trying to get him to sleep since. He is EXHUSTED but WILL NOT fall asleep. I've tried getting him up, feeding him, motrin and a bath. He has his medicines for the night. He keeps rubbing his eyes so I know he's tired. The past few days he's missed a good 6+ hours of sleep so it is catching up with him.

    He's been at it again for 1/2 hour. I just don't remember it being this bad. Earlier I laid him down and he rolled over and smiled at me so I KNOW it's not his ears.

    I am thankful it's only Jake. I don't know what I would do if it was both of them.
  10. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    :hug: I actually think it's harder the older they are. Stand your ground and it really will get better. Toddlers are expert manipulators (some much more than others) and will do whatever it takes to get what they want. :hug: Teaching them how important sleep is has to be one of THE most important things we can teach our kids. Nobody likes to hear it but.... Hand in there!
  11. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I never had any luck with CIO for naps. Do you think it might help if you just try it at night for a few nights and see if that gets better, and then if necessary try it again for naps too?
  12. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I gave up after 2 hours of screaming. I put Josh to bed and just took Jake and laid him down and he went to sleep. Woke 30 minutes later and I did the same and for now he's still sleeping.

    I guess I'll try again tomorrow. If he wakes up tonight, I'll just try to lay him back down. I need my sleep since I only got about 4 last night. I'm going to try to stay awake until 11:00 and sneak in and give him another dose of motrin.

    Who knows, maybe his ears are still bothering him. He's been on the antibiotics since early Friday afternoon and they say ear infections usually start to feel better in 48-72 hours. When I lay him down he puts his thumb in his mouth and goes to sleep so he does not seem to be in pain.
  13. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    You are not alone. We are constantly going back to CIO after illness, teething, or just going to sleep sometimes in general. Hang in there... it sux but it does work.
  14. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    It is super tough to do all over again especially since you had to live through it the first time. I agree stick with it and then see how he does. I have not gone in to my twinnies rooms in over a month and DD still wakes up screaming. Some nights it is a long while and some less than a minute, either way I don't go in there unless she does the gas cry. One day she will give up I am sure.
  15. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Well at least he sttn. After I laid him down at 6:30 they both slept until 6:45 this morning and Jake did not wake at all during the night. I was going to sneak in around 11:00 to give him motrin but I did not want to take the chance of waking him. I figured if he woke up, I'd give it to him. Plus I could not keep my eyes open past 10:30.

    He seems to be feeling better so I guess we'll see what happens at naptime.
  16. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I hope nap goes well today. He sounds super overtired which can make falling and staying asleep more difficult. :hug:
  17. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    I just had to do this with my DS. He also had a double ear infection, and after the infection was gone, he still had fluid in his ears. So, I kept up with the naptime and nighttime attention for about a month after his ear infection was diagnosed! I was worried his ears were bothering him, even with motrin. DH kept telling me he was just crying and waking out of habit, but I was worried he was in pain. After that month of consistent nightwaking, I said enough is enough! The first night, he woke as usual and cried hard for about 30 minutes and then whimpered for another 15. After that first night, he has done much better. He's still woken a few times, but he goes back to sleep within 10 minutes. Same for naps. He still wakes a few times a week from his nap, but I give him 20 minutes and he always puts himself back to sleep.

    I think you need to decide if you want to CIO or not. If you do, DON'T GO IN! Everytime you do, you are teaching him to keep crying until you come and you're making it harder on yourself, him and his twin. When I did CIO the first time with them, I reminded myself that if I went in, I basically would have been letting them cry for 30 minutes (or an hour or whatever) for no reason. If I was going to go in there, I should have done it within the first 5 minutes rather than making them cry for an hour first.

    Would it be possible to seperate them until the CIO is done? That way you don't have to worry about him bothering his twin.
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