having problems with twins waking toddler

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by fullhouse30, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. fullhouse30

    fullhouse30 Member

    My 15 month old daughters room is next to the twins bedroom. She has always slept from 7:00pm - 7:00am. Since the twins came home (they are 2 months old) she wakes up 2 or 3 times a night crying, and then gets up at 6:00am. The twins grunt and groan constantly, but only wake up once a night for feedings. My daughter is a light sleeper, so this is disrupting her sleep and me and my husbands. Any suggestions?
  2. fullhouse30

    fullhouse30 Member

    My 15 month old daughters room is next to the twins bedroom. She has always slept from 7:00pm - 7:00am. Since the twins came home (they are 2 months old) she wakes up 2 or 3 times a night crying, and then gets up at 6:00am. The twins grunt and groan constantly, but only wake up once a night for feedings. My daughter is a light sleeper, so this is disrupting her sleep and me and my husbands. Any suggestions?
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Maybe you could put a white noise machine or a loud fan in her room to drown out the noise?? Welcome to TS, congrats on your twins!! [​IMG]
  4. fullhouse30

    fullhouse30 Member

    Thanks Becky! I'll try that. Any suggestions that you have would be great. Your twins are 6-months old? Does it get any easier? ARe they sleeping threw the night for you? I'm feeling very overwelmed.
  5. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    wow -it is like we are in the same boat. my twins will be 2 months old on the 26th and my older son is 17 months old.

    the twins started waking him up at night but now I have a humidifier in his room on HIGH which makes alot of noise so he isn't waking up anymore.

    congrats on your twins. I sure hope it gets better. I wish mine only woke up once a night. they are up every two hours.
  6. fullhouse30

    fullhouse30 Member


    It's nice to know that someone else is in my same boat. Congrats on your twins. Oh and just for the record, they get up once a night, but are up again at 6:00am. and when their up for their feeding at night, I have to go into their room like 5 million times, to put their pacifier in their mouths, etc. So it's exhausting.
  7. Mary T

    Mary T Well-Known Member

    One step ahead sells a great white noise machine that we have had in my 2 1/2 year olds room since she was 3 months old as our house is small and the TV can be heard everywhere. She sleeps thru the twins in the middle of the night which is great. She even sleeps thru the dog barking at the front door which is close to her room.

    Lindsey 2-18-04
    Grant & Kelsey 9-18-06
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