Having My 3rd Baby And Am Scheduled For My 1st Ob Appt Ever!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jennie-OH, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Well, I scheduled my very first OB appt!! I'm so excited to (hopefully) be a normal pg person this time. Although, gotta admit I will miss the regular u/s and the reassurance of the cervical checks and seeing the babies. With the girls, I saw a peri the whole time and never once saw a regular OB.

    I just thought it was a little funny that I am on baby #3 and OB #1. ;)

    What should I expect at the 1st appt??
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Congrats again! It's so exciting! For me, the first appts always included basic health info, blood draw, urine, my ob always did an u/s to check dates since my cycles are so screwy. They gave me a packet of info about the practice as it related to ob stuff (I got the same packet all four times! LOL) I think that's it...Good Luck at the appt!!!
  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! The first appt. is pretty routine, though they may do a pap, answer questions, etc. You might find it downright boring after a twin pregnancy, LOL.

    After the morning sickness passes, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to carry "just" one! At least, I'm guessing so, because I did it backwards -- and am a little horrified at how much harder it is to carry twins. :D

    Good luck! Hope everything goes well.
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    ditto on the pp.... I'm planning on being pretty bored this pg...although it has had a bizarre beginning.... My first pg with my dd only had 2 u/s done... I don't even know how many I had with the twins....it was a lot. But even if this pg turns out to be "just" one... I already got one more u/s than I had with dd...never had an early u/s with her. They were 12wks and 20 wks. I'm going to miss all those interactions though. :( I remember that with first dd I had to make sure I wrote all my questions down b/c you don't go in that often. So if you have a more routine question to ask you have to make sure to fit it in. I also plan on scheduling with each of the doctors at some point so I can get a variety of opinons on vbac.
  5. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    You'll probably feel a little neglected this time around. The amount of visits with a singleton is nothing like with twins.
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